The Stable Boy Part 6 (Vintage!Tom)

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It was another week before Y/n saw Peter again.

At night, her finger would trace her lips as she remembered the feeling of his, and the feeling of his arms wrapped around her waist.

She couldn't wait to see him again but she was growing agitated being alone for most hours of the day. Usually, it wouldn't bother her, but Harlaxton Manor had become cold from the lack of humans and the servants that did pass her in the halls, hated her, being forever loyal to their queen bee Claire.

She couldn't stand it anymore, she looked around the whole house for a certain person to give her the answers she so desperately wanted: Claire.

Y/n found her in the library, her sanctuary before, now a place she barely visited.

She curtsied slightly before approaching the duchess. Sitting down next to her as Claire put her book down to look at her stepdaughter.

"Yes?" She asked sharply and Y/n took a deep breath before speaking.

"You know everyone who works here, right?" She asked and Claire let out an annoyingly high pitched laugh.

"Of course I do, what a silly question," She said and Y/n had to refrain from rolling her eyes.

"Then can you tell me what you know about Peter Parker?" She asked and Claire gave her a sceptical look.

"There is no one here by the name of Peter Parker," She said, picking her book back up.

"What do you mean? Do you not know the stable boy that came with you from Wiltshire?" Y/n asked and Claire looked at her again.

"No stable boy came with me. That horse was your gift, so it's your job to take care of it and see to its needs," She said, but Y/n shook her head.

"No no no. The stable boy, Peter, told me that you employed him," She said, and Claire let out a groan.

"Child, leave before you cause more annoyance than you already have," Claire said and Y/n stood up, leaving the library in a hurry.

She found her father in the dining room, reading the newspaper.

"Hello father," She said, kissing his cheek and he gave her a smile, not taking his eyes off of the newspaper.

"How are you my dear?" he asked and Y/n shrugged, sitting down next to him.

"I guess I could be better," she said and her father nodded.

"When you go outside, be careful," He said suddenly and Y/n gave him a confused look.

"Why?" She asked her father handed her the newspaper, pointing to a section that read wanted. Her eyes widened, the man in the picture looked exactly like...Peter.

She skimmed through the short paragraph, her heart beating faster.

Tom Holland wanted for the murder of Jacob Batalon and William Morris on July 4, 1881. Holland is 172.7 cm, dark brown hair, and brown eyes. If you've seen this man contact the nearest constable. This man is extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all cost.

Y/n thought she was going to pass out if her father hadn't spoken.

"Don't worry dear, we will always be safe here at Harlaxton, we are always protected," He said but Y/n could barely hear him. She stood up quickly, startling her father as she made her way out of the dining room, still holding the newspaper.

Her thoughts didn't stop racing all she could think about was the newspaper. It was playing with her thoughts and emotions as she raced through the halls to the stables.

When she opened the doors she saw Peter, no, Tom, she didn't know who he was anymore but she walked towards him.

He immediately noticed her pale face and rushed towards her.

"Y/n what's wrong?" He asked and she held up the newspaper, showing him the article.

"I-Is this you?" She asked and he took a sharp inhale.


"Are you...are you Tom Holland?" She asked and he hesitated before slowly nodding. Y/n felt her heart drop even more as she took a step back, her eyes watering.

"You lied to me," he nodded again.

"My name is Tom Holland, I'm from Kingston," he said, his American accent changing into British. "But Y/n, please, believe me, I didn't kill Jacob or William, I was framed," He said, taking a step towards her but she took one back.

"W-why should I believe you?" She asked and he sighed.

"I don't expect you to but I promise, I only lied to protect you," He said quietly, "I knew that if I told you my real name and the newspaper got printed that you could have potentially been accused of helping me. It was better if you knew nothing at all,"

"When you told me why you left home, you said that it was complicated there," Y/n said and Tom nodded again.

"I left to protect my family, so they wouldn't have to deal with that pain," Y/n nodded.

"I-I believe you," She said and Tom's eyes widened.

"You do?"

"Yes. I can't explain why I do, but something's telling me that you're right," She said, and he smiled, stepping forwards and wrapping his arms around her.

Y/n let him hug her, her heart calming down from the scare of loving a murderer. She pulled away but kept her hands on his shoulders.

"Who framed you?" She asked and Tom sighed.

"My best friend, William..." 

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