Cold Eyes Part 2 (CEO!Tom)

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Tom walked out of the building, a smile on his face that no one had seen in a long time. 

"Are you alright?" His right-hand man and business partner, Harrison Osterfield, said. Tom glared at him, but the smile never left his face. 

"I'm perfect," He said, making his way to the elevator. 

"Are you sure? Mate, I haven't seen you smile in years!" Haz said as the doors opened and they stepped inside. The employees that were waiting before them quickly made their way to the stairs, not wanting to be in an elevator with their boss. 

"Mate, just let it go," Tom said and Haz put his hands up in surrender. 

Tom got to his office and closed the door. The quietness was welcome to him, he couldn't care less what his employees thought of him, what anyone thought of him for that matter, except her. 

For some reason, every time Tom thought of Y/n, a smile came to his face and for the life of him he couldn't figure out why. 

"Good. So start talking," 

"Well let's start with the basics then. My name's Tom Holland, I am CEO of Holland Foundations across the street," Tom said and Y/n nodded. 

"My name's Y/n L/n and I'm CEO of L/n Architect," Y/n said and Tom nodded too. 

"What's your favourite colour?" He said and Y/n frowned. 

"If you're going to ask me elementary questions like my favourite colour I'm going to tell you to get the hell out of my office," Y/n said and Tom let out a laugh. 

"Alright, how old were you when you founded your company and how old are you now?" He asked. 

"I was twenty-five and now I am twenty-nine. You?" 

"Nineteen and now I'm twenty-nine," Tom said and Y/n's eyebrows shot up. 

"Nineteen?" She asked and Tom nodded. "I'm impressed," She said, a trace of a smile on her face. 

"Yes well, my mother wanted me to be a carpenter so I'm not sure if I made her proud or disappointed her," Tom said, slightly confused as to why he shared such a personal piece of information. 

"Well you founded one of the richest companies in the world, you can't really be disappointed by that," Y/n said and Tom only nodded. 

Y/n looked at the time on her computer and sighed. 

"Well Mr Holland, it looks like your ten minutes are up," She said and Tom nodded looking down. 

"Are you free tonight?" He asked. 

"Mr Holland I'm never free," Y/n said, typing something on her computer. 

"Well I'm never free but at least I'm trying, just meet me half-way here!" Tom said and Y/n's head turned quickly to look at him, a slight smirk on her face at his outburst. 

"Six-thirty. 131 Main on fifth street. I'll have a reservation ready," Y/n said and Tom smiled. He nodded before standing up. 

"It's a date then," He said and looked back at Y/n. 

"Don't be late." 

The memory of what happened just twenty minutes ago still made Tom smile. It was weird how he opened up so easily to a woman he had just met, weird again was how ok he was with it. If it had been anyone else, he would have immediately left or tried to cover up what he'd said. 

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