Movie Night (Actor!Tom)

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"I can't believe I'm doing this," I whispered to myself as I sat down next to Tom and Harrison. It was our anual movie night and it was Haz's turn to pick the movie, and much to my dismay, it was a horror movie.  

"C'mon love, it'll be fine. Haz and I are here if you get scared," Tom said pulling the popcorn bowl out of my hands. 

I glared at him as I took the dark chocolate pieces out of his lap, earning a playful glare from Tom. 

"I'm not going to get scared. I just don't want to watch The Turning at eleven o'clock at night," I said crossing my arms. Tom wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his side. 

"Well it's my night to pick the movie and I want to watch this," Haz said turning off the light. I snuggled into Tom's side more, the only light in the room was the tv, illuminating the three of us. As the movie started I covered my eyes and ears multiple times, terrified to watch. 

Tom and Haz were laughing at all of the jumpscares while I had to concele my terrified screams. After an hour and forty minutes of pure terror, the movie ended. 

Haz and Tom stood up to go to bed. Tom held out his hand to me but I shook my head. 

"C'mon Y/n, lets go to bed," He said, his hand still extended. 

"I'm not tired," I said, wide awake. 

"The movie couldn't have scared you that much could it?" He said sitting back down next to me. 

"I don't like horror movies," I whispered staring forward. 

"Oh baby," He sighed pulling me into him. 

"It's just a movie," I shook my head and he laughed. "No it's not just a movie?" He asked and I looked up at him. 

"I'll go to bed but if I wake up screaming in the middle of the night, I blame you," I said standing up. 

Tom stood up and followed me up the stairs to our shared room. As I laid in bed that night images from the movie popped into my head. By the time I fell asleep, I was cuddled into Tom's side, my arms wrapped tightly around him. 

The next morning I was woken up by Tom trying to get out of bed. I groaned and held onto him tighter. 

"Baby...I've got to go to work," He whispered, kissing the side of my head. 

"Well you should have thought about that before making me watch that movie last night," I said, not opening my eyes. 

"Y/n," He said letting out a laugh. "I'll be back before you know it and we can watch a comedy. How does that sound?" He said, attempting to get out of bed again. This time I let him go. He stood up and faced me. 

"I guess that's ok," I said, looking at him. 

He smiled. "I'll see you later baby," He said, kissing the top of my head before heading to the closet to get dressed. 

I stood in the kitchen around five in the afternoon, making a sandwich for dinner. I was just about to take a bite when something tapped me harshly on the shoulder. 

"Boo!" The person yelled and I screamed. Turning around to see Haz laughing his ass off. 

"Fuck you Haz!" I yelled, bending down to pick my dropped sandwich off of the floor. 

"Why would you do that?" I heard a voice say from down the hall. "When I'm right here," I saw Tom's cocky face appear in the door way. 

I didn't answer before turning back to Haz. 

Why the hell would you do that?" I scolded him, crossing him arms. 

"Cause you should've seen your face!" He said continuing to laugh. 

Tom walked up behind me. Wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"What'd he do?" 

"He fucking came up behind me and scared the shit outta me!" I said crossing my arms. 

"Ok normally I'd laugh at that, but Haz, c'mon man. You know that she's still upset about the movie," Tom shook his head and Haz scoffed. 

"Seriously man? You'd have done the same thing," Tom was about to say something back when I interrupted him.

"It's fine Haz, I'm just still on edge from last night," I said, moving out of Tom's arms and walking up to our room. 

I sat down on the bed. Looking through a box of comedy cds. Pulling them out and reading the backs. 

I felt the bed sink down next to me as Tessa laid her head on my lap. 

"Hey princess, how are you," I said in a baby voice, scratching the back of her ears. She closed her eyes as I continued the small motion. 

"Y/n?" I looked towards the door. Tom was leaning against the frame, staring at me with question in his eyes. "You ok?" He asked and I nodded. He sighed before joining me and Tessa on the bed. 

"I should never have made you watch that movie," He said taking the hand that was rubbing Tessa's head and holding it in his own. 

"It's fine Tom, really," I said looking over at him but he shook his head. 

"I forget how much you think about things," He said before looking up at me. "But I love that about you. You always go with your gut and don't make impulsive me and Haz," I let out a small laugh. "Can I make it up to you?" He asked. 

"There's nothing to make up," I said shaking my head. 

"Yes there is," He leaned over and kissed me before reaching into the box and pulling out a random movie. 

"Who Framed Roger Rabit?" He asked and I laughed before nodding. "How 'bout I go and make some popcorn? I can kick Haz out for a few hours and we can have a movie night to ourselves?" Tom asked I nodded again. 

"I'd like that a lot," I smiled. 

"Anything for my favourite girl." 

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