Peace In The Noise (Todd Hewitt x Reader)

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H/c: your hair color
f/n; your best friend's name

Hope y'all enjoy!!!! Plz keep sending requests!!




The name kept ringing in his ears, the word popping up in front of him as he tried to contain his thoughts.

It was almost impossible though, her name kept changing, the letters moving to create something else: the image of her.

H/c blowing beautifully in the strong wind, a gentle giggle echoing as she laughed at one of her friends.


Y/n Hewitt

No stop Todd you creep what the fuck is wrong with you

Todd and Viola had arrived at Farbranch a week prior but it all felt like a blissful illusion when he met her.




"Oh my god will you shut up already?!" Viola practically screamed at him as they walked around the small town.

"What?" Todd said, pulled out of his daydream.

Mad. Mad. Viola is mad. What do I do. Apologize?

"Don't apologize just shut up!" Viola scolded him.

"I'm not doing anything,"

Not doing anything lie lie. I lied to my friend. Only friend.

"Whatever Todd, I'm going to go get more supplies, we're leaving in the morning so if you want to at least talk to her do it now," Viola rolled her eyes as Todd turned a deep shade of red, the image of Y/n appearing before him once more.

She was sitting with her best friend f/n, whispering and laughing with each other on a wood log as he approached them.

Y/n was one of the best fighters in the village, as poised as she was beautiful. Todd always tried convince himself that was the reason he was so nervous to approach her.

He had tried numerous times to talk to the girl, every time it seemed as though his noise have everything away and he had to run away, fearful of having her or any of her friends laugh at him.

"Hey Y/n," Todd said, giving an awkward wave as they looked up at him.

That was stupid. So stupid-she looks beautiful today- she always looks beautiful Todd what are you talking about?!

His thoughts ran together as f/n giggled at him, Y/n on the other hand, was giving him a sympathetic look.

Please don't look at me like that. Sorry for me. Please don't be sorry for-

"Hey Todd, how are you?" Y/n asked, her angelic voice floating through the air to meet Todd's ears.

"I-I'm alright. How are y-you?" He asked.

"Better now that you're here," f/n giggled and Y/n pinched her side as she glared at her best friend.

What do I do what do I say? Say something. The noise felt almost unbearable to Todd as the stood in silence.

"Well... I'm gonna go," f/n said standing up and shuffling away, Y/n stared after her rolling her eyes as her bestie turned around and gave her a big thumbs up.

What should I say? How do I ask her?

"Let's go on a walk, Todd," she said, standing up and linking her arm through his. He nodded absentmindedly and let her lead him.

A walk yeah a walk a walk with y/n she's holding me oh my god she's holding me what do I do?!

"What do you want to ask me?" Y/n said, ignoring the ringing noise over them. Todd was grateful she didn't bring up anything, choosing to focus on one thing at a time, he craved that peace.

"W-well you know...Viola and I are leaving tomorrow..." he stuttered unable to speak with the feeling of her arm wrapped around his.

"Yes..." Y/n nodded, looking down at the ground, the air around them suddenly shifting.

"And I know we haven't been here for long,"

"About two weeks I think," Y/n nodded as they made their way to a grove of apple trees on the outskirts of Farbranch, only a select few had authority to be this far away from town.

Two weeks...feels like a lifetime when I'm with you. Fuck that didn't sound right

"Todd," his name sounded like sweet honey when she said it, a sensation he had never felt before. "What are you trying to say?" She asked and he stopped walking, keeping her arm locked in his.

"I know it's only been two weeks since we met, but I don't want to lose this opportunity to see you to be with you to hold you to kiss you to-"

Love you

"You understand what I'm trying to say...don't you?" Todd asked, trying to cut off his own train of thought and focus completely on the girl in front of him.


She's goin to say no... I ruined it what have I done she hates m-

The words were cut off as Y/n pulled him close, connecting her lips to his as he tried to process everything going on. For once, his noise was quiet, the air a soft buzzing from insects, but no noise.

It took a moment for him to fully comprehend what was going on, her sweet lips against his and her hands running through his short hair.

A moment of realization hit him and he quickly wrapped his arms around her, trying with all his might to remember this moment.

Y/n pulled away slowly, her eyes fluttering open as she looked up at him, a twinkle in her eyes as Todd tried to pull himself back to the ground.

"Will you come with me?" He asked, his voice stable and unwavering for the first time.

"Yes, I'll go with you Todd Hewitt."

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