Before The Full Moon Rises (Vampire!Tom)

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picture credit goes to @emmscraft on Instagram

mentions of blood, it's really not much. May trigger anyone that doesn't like it I guess. 

I paced back and forth in my room, hearing the howls just outside the door. The plan was to stay locked in my room until the sun rose the next morning, for my safety of course. 

I wasn't worried, I've been doing the same routine every month for as long as I can remember. Whenever it was that time of the month (no not that one) I was to lock the door and not come out no matter what I heard. 

See, my family and I have something different about us, something...special. Every full moon, whether we liked it or not, we turned into werewolves. Of course, as you could tell, I don't. I'm not of age yet. On my twenty-fifth birthday, I will come of age and turn into a monster for one whole night every month. 

To be honest, I'm not really looking forward to it. 

I like the privacy that I get when my mother, father, and brother are gone cause for one whole night I can do whatever I want, as long as I stay in my room. 

I don't do anything bad, there's not much to do when you're trying to stay safe from murderous beasts but at least I don't have to wear a turtle neck. 

Yes, I understand what you might be thinking. Why do they have to wear a turtleneck? Is there something wrong with them? 

The answer is no. 

At least I think it's no. 

You see, one year ago I was bitten. I accidentally crossed paths with a vampire while I was walking home and now I have a bit of a dilemma. 

See werewolves and vampires don't like each other. The werewolves sometimes eat the people that vampires need to survive on and werewolves don't like that vampires take all of the flavors out of their evening meals. 

There's been a war between them for centuries. I don't think he knew that I was supposed to be a werewolf but again, I'm still faced with a dilemma. 

What dilemma you ask? 

Like I said, on my twenty-fifth birthday I become a werewolf, but, since I've been bitten, when I come of age I must marry the vampire who bit me or we both die. Some Romeo and Juliet type shit. 

I sat down on my bed, dreading the next month to come, either I was going to be dead, or I'd be married to a blood-thirsty killer there was no werewolf future for me anymore, no way I could ever turn. 



The next morning when I woke up, the sun was shining through the window and I made my way out of my room. 

The hallway wallpaper was torn to shreds and the pictures that hung on the wall were cracked and on the ground. 

I made my way to the living room where my mum was cooking breakfast. 

"Good morning dear, how'd you sleep?" She asked placing a pancake on the plate in front of me. 

"Same as always," I sighed. Pouring syrup over the pancake before taking a bite. "How are you feeling?" I asked, the couch in the living room was torn and the curtains that were hanging up over the windows were on the ground. 

"A little tired but nothing out of the ordinary," She said, giving me a sweet smile and I nodded. 

"Good morning sunshine," I heard my dad say as he entered the room. He kissed the top of my head before going over to my mum and giving her a kiss on the cheek. 

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