Unexpected Encounters (Spy!Tom)

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Tom sighed. It was around seven in the morning and Y/n had just left for work-much to Tom's dismay. He rolled over in bed and reached out to Y/n's side. It was cold as he ran his hand along the satin sheets. Sitting up in bed he groaned as remembered what he had to do today.

His boss had given him a mission a few weeks back and Tom had just received his go-ahead to carry it out. He was to track down an agent of an opposing agency and eliminate them. He had just received word that he was looking for a woman with h/c who was about y/h and s/c.

Tom had eliminated many agents before, but none of them had ever reminded him so much of Y/n. He couldn't even imagine seeing her eyes staring at him, without any life, her skin cold as ice and no heartbeat felt at all.

Tom shook his head, trying to get the image out of his head as he sat up to get ready for the day.

He dressed in a black suit, his gun tucked away, obscured from anyone who might be suspicious of him. He slipped his wedding ring off and tucked it into the pocket of his jacket.

Two hours later, he sat in his car, waiting for the agent. He had been there for an hour, just waiting and planning what he'd do. Obviously, he'd roll down his window and eliminate the target from a long distance. It was the easiest way and he didn't have to worry about getting blood on his hands.

He'd been informed that the target was off duty, meaning that he could find out information about her agency after she was deceased.

About ten minutes later Tom sat up straight in his seat, he saw the woman walking away from the car. He drew his gun and pointed it at the back of his head.

Something stopped him from pulling the trigger though, something he couldn't explain.

Before he knew what he was going, he was getting out of the car and walking towards the woman. As he got closer he again drew his gun.

Lifting his right arm, he reached out and grabbed the woman's shoulder. She gasped as an unknown person spun her around to face them.

Tom dropped his gun and took a step back. His own gasp escaping his lips.

"Y/n?" He whispered as the woman looked at him.

"Tom? What are you doing here?" Y/n asked but Tom was at a loss for words.

"B-but I...y-you... you are the agent?" He asked and Y/n's eyes widened.

"What are you talking about," she said nervously, as she eyed the gun on the ground for the first time.

"Wait... you are an agent too?" She asked, looking up at her husband.

"Y-yeah, I am. You are too?" He asked and Y/n nodded. "I can't believe it," Tom whispered, turning away and rubbing his eyes. "I was going to kill you," he whispered and Y/n nodded.

"But you didn't," she said stepping towards him. They stood there awkwardly, unsure what to do.

"What now?" Y/n asked and Tom shook his head.

"I have no idea. Obviously, this has never happened before," Tom looked over at his wife, she was staring at the gun that he had dropped in shock.

"We have to leave," she looked up at him.

"Leave?" She asked and he nodded.

"We have to leave the country," he whispered. "My boss already wants you dead. If I don't kill you he'll want me dead as well. Our best hope is to leave now while we still have the chance," Y/n nodded and took out her phone, after quick research she held it out to him.

There's a flight leaving to Marseille, France in four hours, if we hurry we can make it," Tom nodded.

"That'll work. But we need to buy tickets for another flight, if either of our bosses try to find us they won't know where we've gone if we buy tickets to two different country's. I'll buy a flight to New York but we'll go to France," Y/n nodded.

Tom picked up his gun from the ground and led Y/n back to his car. Before starting the car he looked over at her.

"Wait...how'd you get here?" He questioned.

"I walked," Y/n said without hesitation. Tom stared at her.

"You walked six miles...in heels?" He asked and she nodded.

"I thought you took the car this morning?" He asked and she shook her head.

"I drove it to a bookstore about seven miles from here then walked," she clarified and Tom nodded. Too shocked to say anything else, he started the car and drove them both home.

When they arrived, Tessa was happy to see both of her owners home with her. She barked and jumped up to greet the couple but they were too concentrated to do anything.

They packed up two suitcases. One full of all of their clothes (just imagine they're big suitcases) and the other with personal items that were of value to them. As well as things that Tessa needed.

When they were ready to leave, they looked around their home. This was most likely the last time they'd ever be here. Y/n handed the keys to their home and he put it in a safe place in one of the suitcases.

"Anything you need to do?" He asked and Y/n shook her head. She took Tessa's leash and hooked it onto her collar. Tessa, thinking she was going for a walk, was elated. Excited to go, unaware that Tom and Y/n were nervous.

The couple walked out the door for the last time. Making their way to the airport they easily made it through security and onto their flight. (Idk about the rules of animals on flights so just go with it) Y/n stared out the window as the plane took off.

"What now?" Y/n asked again and Tom shrugged.

"We change our names. Start a new life," he said looking around the crowded plane.

"I didn't think this would ever be happening," Y/n sighed her head in her hands. Tom let out a defeated laugh.

"Me neither. And to think, after being together for six years, we never found out," Y/n gave him a small smile.

"Apparently our biggest secret was our biggest thing in common," Y/n said and Tom nodded.

"Well, we'll start over. We'll have a new life with no secrets. How about that?" He asked and Y/n nodded. Taking Tom's hand in hers the couple stared out the window as the ground got smaller and possible with it, their troubles.

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