Early Morning Sunrise (Boyfriend!Tom)

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"Wake up, darling," A voice whispered in my ear and I groaned, pulling my pillow over my head. 

"Tom, we're on vacation. That means we're supposed to sleep in," I whined as my boyfriend pulled the pillow off of my head. 

"I know love but I want to show you something," He said and I opened my eyes to see him already dressed in a maroon shirt, black pants, and glasses which he wore for "fashion purposes" and I hated because I wore glasses for my shitty eyesight. 

"Can't it wait until later? We didn't go to sleep until three," I said and he shook his head no. 

"Please?" He pleaded, giving me his best puppy dog eyes that I couldn't resist. I slowly got up and Tom smiled, "I let you get ready but you need to hurry so we don't miss it," He said, walking out of the room and I nodded, rubbing the tired out of my eyes. 

I moved quietly around the room as I got ready, Tom and I were staying at my family's beach house in Yorktown, Virginia. It was a modern house and had been my home away from home for as long as I could remember. I had many memories in this house and was glad that I could finally share some of them with my loving boyfriend. 

It was November and colder than usual so I put on a black shirt, black pants, and a red cardigan to match Tom. Putting my hair up into a loose bun I made my way out of the bedroom and saw Tom sitting at the counter, scrolling through his phone. 

Once he saw me walk in he jumped up and smiled. 

"You look beautiful," He whispered giving me a quick kiss on my cheek, "But you always look beautiful to me," I blushed. 

"You're too good to me," I said and he only shrugged, taking my hand and leading me outside to the beach area. 

After walking for a few minutes, Tom stopped. I looked ahead and saw a picnic blanket and a basket sitting out in the sand. Letting out a quiet gasp, I looked over at Tom who was staring at me with a nervous expression on his face. 

"Tom w-what is...what?" I asked, unable to form a sentence. Tom took my hand again, leading me over to the blanket. 

"I remember you telling me how your grandfather would wake you up early to see the sunrise and I know you miss him so I thought this might help you remember the good memories with him," He said, sitting down and pulling me with him. 

"Oh, Tom..." I trailed off, looking at the perfectly laid out picnic. 

"You don't like it?" He asked, looking disappointed. 

"No, I love it! I really do, but I don't need to remember old memories, I want to make new ones, with you," I said, scooting closer to him so that our legs were touching. Tom looked up at me, his eyes widened. 

"R-Really?" He asked and I nodded. 

"You are my future, and I love you," I whispered and he smiled. 

"I love you too, Y/n," He whispered, leaning in and placing at sweet kiss on my lips. Before he could pull away I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me.

How did I get so lucky? Tom is the sweetest, most caring man that I have ever met and he's the love of my life. I don't deserve him, the world doesn't deserve this man. 

The sun slowly rose over the horizon, Tom and I stayed there for about two hours, cuddling on the beach and eating the breakfast that he made us. It was the perfect morning and the only thing more beautiful than the sunrise, was Tom. 

I feel like it's slightly concerning that most of my stories basically end in "I love you" so i'm sorry about that, I'm sure all of you want a more interesting ending up i'm trying my best! 

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