We Come Out Stronger, Together (Actor!Tom)

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Tom was exhausted when he got home from a full day of shooting. He'd been up since four and had been working non-stop. It was ten at night and he just wanted to sleep at this point. 

When he walked through the door of his and Y/n's shared apartment, he saw her sitting on the couch, wide awake. A tired smile made its way to his face and he sat down next to her. 

"Hey, baby," he said and Y/n gave him a small smile. 

"Hey, Tommy," she whispered and Tom noticed that she wasn't as cheery as she usually was. 

"What's wrong, love?" He asked, leaning back into the couch, almost falling asleep right there. 

"Nothing's wrong," Y/n said and Tom frowned. 

"Y/n, I can tell that you're not-" 

"Tom. You're tired, I'm fine it's nothing to worry about," Y/n said, standing up and making her way towards the kitchen, Tom was quick to be on his feet as well, stopping her in her tracks. 

"Except that it obviously is. You can tell me Y/n," He said, trying to get her to look at him. She sighed. 

"Well I guess I'm just trying to adjust to you being gone all the time," She said and Tom groaned. 

"Y/n, we've been over this," 

"Yeah well, I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. Can I?" Y/n asked and Tom rolled his eyes. 

"I don't want to have this conversation again," He said and Y/n shook her head. 

"You think I do? You may be with your friends all day but I have no one, Tom! I moved to this country to be with you! I left my entire life behind! I'm SO lonely. I see my sister everyday but only because she's in the hospital but once she's better she'll be gone," Y/n said, tears in her eyes. Tom just rolled his eyes again. 

"Well then maybe you shouldn't have come! Maybe-" 

Tom was interrupted by Y/n's phone ringing. He scoffed as she answered it. She moved to the opposite end of the room so that he couldn't hear who it was. He didn't listen to what she said, too annoyed by their previous conversation to listen. 

Y/n ended the call, tears in her eyes. She didn't say a word to Tom as she grabbed her purse and headed towards the door. 

"Where are you going?" Tom asked, his voice still had some anger in it from before. She didn't answer him, walking out the front door leaving Tom angry and confused. 


"Hey mate, what's up?" Haz asked, walking through the front door. Tom felt better having Haz here with him. No matter what time it was he could count on him to be there. "And where's Y/n?" he asked, looking around at the silent apartment. 

"We got into a fight," Tom said, his head in his hands. 

"oh," Haz said, unsure of what else to say. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked and Tom let out a weak laugh. 

"No," He said, "but she got a call and left immediately after," he said and Haz looked at him confused. 

"Who was it?" He asked and Tom shrugged. 

"She didn't say, just left," He said and Haz nodded. 

"Do you think it had something to do with Marie? She has been in a coma for the past few months, maybe she woke up for something?" he asked and Tom shrugged, looking at the ground. 

"I told her she shouldn't have come to London," Tom said, tears in his eyes. 

"Tom..." Haz said his own feelings of sadness taking over as he thought of how distressed Y/n might be. 

Y/n walked up to the door of her apartment, she felt weak and tired. As she opened the door she was met with Tom's upset face. He stood in front of the door, his arms crossed, her eyes watered as she felt a wave of emotions wash over. 

"Marie's dead," She said and Tom's face immediately softened. He unfolded his arms and stepped towards her but the last thing she saw, was darkness. 


Y/n woke up to the smell of bleach and antiseptic. She looked around the grey room and noticed that it wasn't her own. It had a small couch and window with the blinds closed to her left, and the sound of a heart monitor. She looked to her right and saw Tom leaned back in a chair, his eyes closed. 

"T-tommy," she whispered, reaching out to him. He woke up with a start and his eyes watered at the sight of her awake. 

"Y/n, baby you're awake," He said, moving closer to her and wrapping his arms around her. 

"What happened?" She asked, welcoming his hug. 

"You passed out and I wasn't sure what to do so I called and ambulance," Tom said, sitting back into his chair, now closer to the bed. 

"Why did I-oh," Y/n started, tears forming in her eyes as she thought of her sister. Tom sighed. 

"Baby, you should have told me, I would have driven you here. If something had happened to you I would never forgive myself," He said and Y/n looked down at her hands. 

"I wasn't really thinking, I just knew I needed to get to her...my little sister," Y/n said, tears rolling down her face.

"Love, there was nothing you could do," Tom said but Y/n shook her head. 

"She died alone," She whimpered and Tom took her hands in his own. 

"The last thing she would have remembered, Y/n, was being with her family. She was with you the last time she was conscious," he said, bringing a hand up to her cheek to wipe the tears away. 

"Tommy, I'm so sorry for what I said, I should be grateful, I should-" 

"Baby, don't ever say that. I'm so fucking lucky to have you and I was tired so I said shitty things that weren't true. I've been working way too much and I've realized that I need to be there for you," Tom said and Y/n gave him a weak smile. 

"I love you, Tom," she said and Tom smiled. 

"I love you too, baby." 


"So Tom, I heard you spent the weekend at the hospital," the interviewer, Theo Rockwell, said and Tom sat up straighter. 

"Yes, I did," He said. 

"What happened?" Theo asked and Tom took a deep breath. 

"Well...my girlfriend, Y/n, her sister just recently passed and unfortunately Y/n's pain turned a bit physical and we had to get her to the hospital where she stayed for a few days until the doctors were sure that it hadn't caused something even worse to happen," Tom said, trying to give the vaguest answer that he could without totally outing Y/n.

"That's very unfortunate, I saw her just before we started so I'm glad that she's doing much better," Theo said and Tom smiled, catching Y/n's eyes from behind the camera. She gave him a big smile which he gladly returned, happy that he could finally spend some time with her, he could already tell that her mood had gotten better. He promised himself that he would help her through her grief and always be there for her.   

"So am I."  

I finished this a lot sooner than planned so I'm ahead! Wish I could say that same for my schoolwork🥲

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