Innocent Kisses (Brother's BFF!Tom)

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I looked up as the front door opened. My heart speed up slightly as I was the only one home.

My brother, Brent, was hanging out with his girlfriend and my parents were having a date night. I was currently sitting on the couch, working on school work that was due the next day.

"Hello?" I called out, not getting up, praying that I wouldn't be murdered.

"Y/n?" The person came around the corner and I sighed, my heartbeat returning to normal. It was Tom Holland.

Tom was my brothers best friend and constantly hanging out around the house. I thought he was captivating. When we weren't at school, his curls hung down in his face, and he wore a t-shirt showing off his biceps that always made me blush.

He was just as kind as he was handsome though. Every year he'd manage our school's food drive and loved helping everyone. I admired him and couldn't think of anyone better.

"Tom? Brent's not here," I said, turning back to my schoolwork.

"Oh, I uh...wasn't here to see him," He said and I looked up at him just as he sat down next to me on the couch.

"Oh?" I asked and he nodded, moving slightly closer to me. "Then why are you here?"

"I wanted to talk to you," Tom said and I felt butterflies in my stomach as he stared at me.

"What about?"

"Us," he said bluntly and I looked at him, confusion in my eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked and he sighed, looking down.

"I really like you Y/n. Ever since I came over for this first time and I-I guess I just didn't say anything because Brent's my best friend and I didn't want to make it awkward and-"

"Tom!" I interrupted his rambling and he looked at me, unsure of what I would say. A big smile made its way to my face.

"I really like you too," I said and he smiled.

"Really?" He asked, moving in closer to me and I nodded.

"Yes, I've liked you for a long time,"

Tom's smile never left his face as I noticed his eyes look down at my lips then back to my eyes. I moved even closer to him so that we were touching.

He leaned in close and I felt his warm breath on my face. He brought his hand up to my cheek and held my face in his hand.

My eyes fluttered closed as his lips met mine. He pulled me closer to him and my hands went to his hair, running them through his soft brown curls.

Tom moved the laptop away from me and pulled me onto his lap. He deepend the kids, his arms wrapping around my waist as he pulled me even closer into him if that was even possible.

I pulled away and looked at him, catching my breath and he smiled.

"I've wanted to do that for so long," he whispered and I nodded.

"So have I," I said, running my nails softly along his scalp and he closed his eyes, a content smile on his face.

"Y/n," he said, opening his eyes.


"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and I grinned.

"I would love to," I said, leaning in and giving him a quick kiss on the lips and as I pulled away he moved his hand from my waist to my cheek and pulled me back in, giving me a longer, more passionate kiss. I immediately accepted it.

We didn't part until we heard a noise coming from the other side of the room.

Looking to the left, we saw Brent standing there; his jaw dropped as he stared at me straddling Tom.

"What the fuck?!"

I got the inspiration from the picture of Cherry and Emily kissing and it's by far my favourite I cannot wait for the trailer to come out tomorrow!!!!! I can already tell this movie is going to be amazing!! 

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