My Brother's Enemy (Highschool!Tom)

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I knew he was mad, even if we didn't have the twin connection, I could tell he was furious. Noah sat tensely next to me as Tom walked around the room, talking to the other people at the sleep-over. At least ten other people were here, so I'm not sure if this was a small party or just a really big get together.

I leaned back into the couch and closed my eyes.

"Who does he think he is? Coming here with his British accent," Noah was furiously whispering to know one in particular, but I took the time to answer.

"I'm pretty sure that he was being nice and not turning down a sleep-over invite from one of his friends. Just like you," I sighed as Noah tensed.

"Don't compare us, we are nothing alike," He said leaning back into the couch as well.

"Yeah, you've got that right," I rolled my eyes and Noah turned to me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked stubbornly.

"Nothing, Noah. I'm going to go and get something to drink," I got up and stretched, pulling down my blue and white striped jumpsuit so I was more comfortable. I didn't like showing much upper body skin but I was running late so I had to throw something on, the straps were one finger big and it had not back, you know, just normal "smart, good girl" clothes.

"Ok, just stay away from...him," Noah said, glancing at Tom, who was talking to another player from the baseball team. I nodded and walked into the deserted kitchen.

Noah was extremely jealous of Tom, only because Tom was the star player of the baseball, football, basketball, track, and soccer team. Tom did it all, he worked hard for it too. Unlike Noah, who had it come to him naturally but also because our father is captain of all of the sports teams. On top of that, Tom had all A's in his classes, while Noah had B's and C's.

I had always thought that Tom was a great person, but whenever I talked to him Noah always came and pulled me away, giving Tom a death look as he did. So any time I talked to Tom, we had to be alone and away from my brother.

I pulled a plastic cup out of the pantry and filled it with water. Feeling better as the cold liquid went down my throat.

Throwing the cup away, I leaned against the fridge and closed my eyes, feeling the cold metal on my forehead.

Suddenly I felt hands on my hips and someone spun me around, planting their lips on mine. I opened my eyes wide but melted into the kiss when I saw who it was. I wrapped my hands around his neck as he deepened the kiss.

He backed me up and I felt the cold fridge against my back. We parted for air and I leaned my forehead against his as we both caught our breath.

"You looked rather bored sitting on that couch," Tom said in his heavy British accent.

"It's always boring when I have to sit with my brother," Tom smirked and pulls me in closer to him if that's even possible.

"How have you been?" He asks, his hands resting on my hips and my hands were wrapped around his neck still.

"I could be better," I said referring to minutes previous. Tom chuckled and kissed me again, I gladly returned it.

"When are we going to stop hiding?" I ask out of the blue even though I knew the answer. I was fine with hiding like we were, the thrill of not letting anyone know that we were together was fun, but it gets tiring.

"y/n, your brother would kill us both if he found out," I nodded my head, Tom sighed. "One day, I will take you on a real date," Tom smiled and I mirrored him, knowing that he was telling the truth.

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