The Stable Boy Part 3 (Vintage!Tom)

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It had been a week since Duchess Claire had arrived at Harlaxton Manor and it was already like living in hell.

Claire had Samuel wrapped around her finger and there was nothing that she could do to make him upset.

Y/n absolutely despised it.

She had little to comfort her now, Claire had dismissed most of the household and replaced them with her own loyal servants. Y/n's close friends growing up were now out of a job and a place to live. She had just barely been able to convince her father to let Marian stay with them.

What was even worse was the fact that her father had decided to start bringing suitors to Harlaxton Manor. She'd two already and they were both monsters. They only talked about themselves and the money that they were to inherit upon their father's death. It was sickening how they smiled at the thought of death.

Y/n had yet to see the one man she was looking for: Peter Parker. She had searched the entire grounds of the manor and spent most of her time in the stables, hoping to see him again.

She was there again today.

Achilles had grown comfortable around her and was grazing on some hay when Y/n brought a bucket of carrots over to his stable.

"Hey buddy," She cooed, setting the bucket carefully down in front of him. "Have you seen Peter?" She asked softly and Achilles made a whinny noise.

"I'll take that as a no, then," She said sadly, leaning against the wall.

"I hear you've been spending more time among the animals, Y/n," a voice said from the barn door entrance. Y/n looked up and groaned. Claire was walking towards her, an evil smirk on her face.

"I would be spending time with my friends but you fired all of them," Y/n shot back and Claire let out a chuckle.

"I can tell that you don't like me-"

"That would be an understatement to how I feel,"

"And I don't expect you to, but what I do expect," Claire took a step closer to Y/n, almost like she was trying to intimidate her, "Is for you to respect me. I'm going to be here for a long time so you better get used to it. Daddy won't be there to protect you for long," she said and Y/n felt a chill as Claire turned and walked away.

Y/n stood there for a long time, wondering what to do. She didn't feel particularly threatened by Claire, but her presence still made her feel uneasy.

"Good afternoon Miss," A voice from behind her said. She turned around smiled, Peter was standing there, a bucket of carrots in his hand and a big smile on his face.

"Peter! I've been looking everywhere for you," Y/n said as he walked towards her.

"You have?" He asked and Y/n nodded.

"We barely had a conversation before I had to leave," she said as he set the bucket down next to the now-empty one that Y/n had brought in.

"Yes, after I saved your life," he said a smirk on his face and Y/n rolled her eyes.

"You were the one that scared me in the first place," She said, crossing her arms and giving him a stern look. Peter raised his hands in surrender.

"Fine, then the two cancel each other out," He said and Y/n released her hands to her sides, a small smile forming.

"Where have you been this past week?" she asked and he gave her a confused look.

"I've been here, attending to Achilles. That's my job, remember?" He said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Of course I remember, Parker. I've been in here almost all week and I haven't seen you," Y/n said but Peter only shrugged.

"We must keep missing each other," he said casually. He took a slow step towards Achilles and reached out to pet him.

"Where are you from, Peter?" Y/n asked and he looked back at her.

"Queens New York," He said and Y/n nodded.

"And what brought you to England?" She asked and Peter looked down at the ground, the air around them was suddenly tense.

"Things got...complicated and I had to leave home," He said before looking up at her.

"So you're running away from something?" Y/n asked, her voice soft. Peter nodded.

"I guess you could say that," He said, "I needed to keep my friends and family safe so it was better if I wasn't around," He said and Y/n nodded.

"Well I hope we can be friends," She said, a smile on her face, Peter mirrored her.

"I would like that." 

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