The Nephew (Actor!Tom)

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Tom Holland x ceo!reader

y/n had; had enough of Jude's attitude by the time lunch was halfway over. His eye rolls, constantly being on his phone, and the way he talked back to her.

"Did my dad give you the choice of babysitting me when we came by this morning?" Jude asked, on his phone doing god knows what.

"No, he didn't. And if he had I pray I would have said no," y/n said bitterly and Jude laughed and looked up before placing a hand over his heart.

"Ouch Aunt y/n. That really hurt,"

"I can imagine why he left you with me," y/n said crossing her arms. She was the CEO of a company she created and didn't have time for her jerk of a nephew to be around.

"And why is that?"

"Because you're a annoying prick!" Penny responded from beside y/n. In three hours Penny had already decided that she hated y/n's thirteen-year-old nephew.

"Are you aloud to say that to a minor?" Jude asked a smirk on his face.

"We're not related. I can say whatever I damn well please," Penny shot back.

"Penny," y/n said in a warning tone staring daggers at the boy in front of her.

"Sorry y/n," Penny was y/n's personal assistant and close friend since they were twelve years old.


When Tom walked into the plaza area looking for a table to sit at and eat lunch, he did not expect to see the most beautiful woman ever sitting across from a teenage boy and next to another woman.

He sat down at the table close by so that he could see the woman and also hear their conversation (but not in a creepy way, he still wanted to respect their privacy).

The beautiful woman looked over at him and Tom felt butterfly's in his stomach and thought he might pass out. She had the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen and her skin looked soft to the touch.

When the rest of his family came over to him they were about to question the Brit when Tom shushed them and subtly pointed at the two woman and boy at the next table over. They all got the sign and didn't say a word.

y/n had to keep from jumping over the table and strangling Jude as he made another remark.

Her attention was drawn away from her nephew when a man sat down at a table close to him.

To say that he wasn't the most handsome man she'd ever seen would be a lie.

He had curly brown hair that she could imagine running a hand through all day. His eyes were a dark brown that she could easily get lost in.

She made eye contact with the man and felt butterflies erupt in her stomach.

She quickly looked back at Jude.

"Your not doing a very good job at babysitting," Jude said and y/n wanted nothing more than to slap him.

"I'm not babysitting you. Does it feel like I am?" She asked bitterly.

"No. I don't want to be babysitted," Jude looked down at his phone.

"Fine. How about I treat you like one of my employees instead?"

"Anything's better than being treated like a child," y/n forced out a laugh. An idea popped in her head.

"How about this Jude," she said and he looked up.

"Since I'm tired of your attitude right now, I'll make a deal with you," Jude looked skeptical.

"Go on," he said, crossing his arms.

"I will pay you one hundred and fifty dollars at the end of today if you work for me. That's the same amount of money that Penny gets paid every thirty minutes," y/n paused for a moment.

"Really? I get paid that every thirty minutes," Penny asked and y/n looked over at her.

"Yes. Did you not know that," Penny shrugged.

"Whatever. And Jude, every time you are on your phone, you make a comment I don't like, don't do what I tell you to do, or do what I tell you not to do, I will take off five dollars. I believe that gives you thirty chances before you hit zero. How does that sound?" y/n asked and Jude's eyes widened.

"Of course I'll do it!" Jude said and over at the other table Tom and his whole family's eyes widened.

"Good. We'll start after lunch, that'll give you enough time to get all of that teenage bullshit out of your system so go ahead, make any comments you like, and roll your eyes as many times as you want," y/n leaned back in her chair and for the first time all day, it looked like things might get better.

"Thank you Aunt y/n!" Jude smiled wildly and Penny let out an airy laugh.

"I can't believe your doing this," she whispered in y/n's ear. The woman shrugged before turning back to Jude.

"I don't want anymore of your disrespectfulness in my office alright," she said sternly and Jude nodded.

"You have my word," he said.

y/n. So that was the beautiful woman's name. Tom like the sound of it.

Of course he was shocked by y/n's offer to the boy. She obviously had a lot of money and worked hard for it.

But he also realized that this women didn't mess around and he'd have to shot his shot which was now or never. 

y/n had just told Jude to through the trash away and while Penny was going to the bathroom she had a few minutes to herself. 

That didn't last long though as someone walked up to her. Once she looked up she realized that this wasn't just someone, it was the handsome guy she caught staring at her earlier. 

"Hello," he said. 

"Hi! Do I know you?" She asked. People usually didn't come up to her and when they did, she usually tried to avoide a conversation, but for him, she knew she'd have to make an exception. 

"No, but I was kind of hoping we could get to know each other," The man said and y/n couldn't help but blush. In the back of her mind she was wondering how someone could so easily make her feel like a little girl with a crush. 

"Oh really?" She asked. 

"mhm, my name is Tom...Tom Holland," he said, extending his hand out towards her. 

"y/n l/n," 

"Well would you be interested in meeting me at the coffee house on 4th street this Saturday Ms l/n?" 

"I'll have to check with my schedule Mr Holland," y/n smirked and Tom blushed. "But I'm sure I'll be able to find time," she said and he nodded. 

"Well I hope to see you there,"

"likewise," y/n smiled as Tom walked back to his family. 

"What the hell was that?" y/n nearly jumped out of her skin as she turned around to see Jude and Penny standing there. 

"yeah, what the hell y/n? You were flirting?" y/n stood up and walked over to them. 

"Shut up!" She whispered, a blush forming on her cheeks. 

"oh my god! You y/n l/n were flirting with a stranger," Penny gasped.

"And not just any stranger, a hot one," Jude said looking Tom up and down. 

"For once, I agree with the kid," Penny said and y/n dragged them out of the restaurant. 

"Ooo you have to give us all the details!" y/n rolled her eyes playfully as Jude and Penny started fangirling over Tom and as the three of them walked back to work, y/n realized that today might actually have been a good day. 

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