(AF) Chapter Thirty-Four: Traitor and Treachery

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Azura's departure from the palace of Nohr went well, leaving the kingdom to wonder what could have happened to Garon's child by marriage. The concubine combat has continued even in her absence, and Ivanna's wishes to place Camilla on the throne have pushed her to violence time and time again. The number of mothers and children has dwindled significantly, but that doesn't stop those who are left from fighting against each other. 

(The chapter opens to show Ivanna knocking on the door to a room in the Nohrian palace. When it opens, a blonde woman by the name of Eleanora appears. She is Leo's mother.)

Eleanora: Ivanna... I didn't expect to see you. What is it that you need?

Ivanna: I would like to talk to you... That's all. 

Eleanora: Hmph... Come in. 

Ivanna: I've noticed that the struggles in the court have only grown worse... And I wished to ensure that you and your son were alright. 

Eleanora: We know how to take care of ourselves. There's no reason for you to be worried about us. 

Ivanna: Alright... I'll trust you there. 

(The gameplay segment of the chapter begins. The player takes control of Ivanna, and the objective is to defeat Eleanora.)

(When Ivanna initiates combat with Eleanora, the following dialogue plays out.)

Ivanna: I don't think that you're going to need to take care of your son anymore though... Goodbye. 

Eleanora: What are you doing?! Stay back!

(When Eleanora has been defeated, the following dialogue plays out.)

Ivanna: Farewell, Eleanora... One more obstacle has been removed. 

Eleanora: No... You... I can't believe... Ngh... 

(After the battle, Ivanna stands over Eleanora's body.)

Ivanna: And so, another person in my way has been taken care of. Hmph. What a pathetic woman. 

(Ivanna goes to leave the room, but she is cut off when she runs into a maid after opening the door.)

Maid: L-Lady Ivanna! What are you--

Ivanna: Urk-!

Maid: Lady Eleanora!! What did you do to her?!

Ivanna: Give me a chance to expl--

(The maid runs away while crying for help. Ivanna chases after her. The screen fades to black, and when color returns, the scene has changed to show Camilla sitting alone in the garden. A young Leo approaches her silently.)

Leo: ... 

Camilla: Leo... What are you doing here?

Leo: I just wanted to talk. 

Camilla: Why? My mother killed yours, and then... 

Leo: She was executed for her crimes. I know... But I know better than to believe that you're like her. 

Camilla: ... 

Leo: Our mothers all wanted a chance to put us on the throne. That's something that all of us have in common regardless of where we come from. I know that I didn't exactly agree with my mother's ruthlessness. I didn't want her to die, but... I didn't think the same way that she did. 

Camilla: I didn't want my mother to hurt others either... I had to listen to what she said because I didn't know what she would do if I stood against her, but... I didn't like it. 

Leo: None of us enjoyed what our mothers forced us into... I don't think that they should represent our thoughts on one another, especially since there are so few of us left. 

Camilla: You're right... The king hasn't had any other children in a few years, not since Elise was born. 

Leo: We should try to get along even if our mothers couldn't. It's going to take some time, but... I want to try. 

Camilla: I do too... 

Leo: From now on... Let's stick together. It's dangerous to be in the court without the protection of our mothers, so we can't go at it alone. 

Camilla: You're right... I'm sorry about all of this. 

Leo: You don't need to be... I understand. 

(The chapter ends with Camilla and Leo falling silent as they continue to sit together in the garden.)


Camilla and Leo both deserve better than this


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