(AF) Chapter Nineteen: Unexpected Ruler

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Many years have passed since the initial argument between Haruto and Giovanni. No official battle has begun, but tensions have been high for quite some time. Giovanni's frustration over Haruto's actions led him to turn to other methods of comfort found in the women around him. At one point in time, he had multiple dozen children, but due to conflicts within the court, only one remains. With the death of Giovanni himself, who passed away due to illness, his surviving son has been left to ascend to the throne and rule over Nohr, which is still surviving only in shambles. 

(Garon comes into view. He is far younger than he appears in the game, looking to be about twenty years of age, and he is moving through the palace of Nohr.)

Garon: Of all of the outcomes I expected... This was the last. 

(The gameplay segment of the chapter begins. The objective is to take Garon to the other end of the map where a crowd of Nohrian citizens are waiting. After such has been accomplished, the following dialogue plays out as Garon takes his place in front of his subjects.)

Garon: People of Nohr... I, your new king, am here to speak with you.

(The crowd falls silent.)

Garon: With my father's death, I will be taking over as the ruler of Nohr. My goals are clear, and I wish for you all to know what I will be accomplishing while in power... I will make sure that all of the people of Nohr thrive. I understand we are all neighbors and brothers in arms. We must look after one another the way that we would care for our own to foster a strong sense of care among ourselves. We are the people of Nohr, and we are a family, one for all. 

(The crowd cheers in response, but Garon holds up his hand to halt them.)

Garon: I truly am not deserving of your praise. I'm simply doing what any ruler ought to. A noble, and especially a royal, must act in the best interest of the people who live in their nation. I will do everything in my power to make sure that you are all happy and taken care of. 

(The crowd once again cheers. This time, when Garon attempts to silence them, his attempts do not work.)

Garon: Thank you for your enthusiasm... But there is one other promise that I must make to you all. 

(The crowd goes quiet.)

Garon: I understand that Hoshido has been ignoring our suffering for many years now, and I believe that it's time for us to show that we are just as deserving of care as they are. We have been struggling due to a dwindling supply of food for quite some time, but I will make sure that all are fed and taken care of. Even if Hoshido hates me for it... I will do what I must in order to keep my people safe. My father attempted to make an agreement through peace, but if other methods must be employed for the sake of my people... I will cross boundaries that others have not dared to in the name of my countrymen. You are my first priority, and that will never change. 

(The people begin to cheer once again at Garon's words.)

Garon: You deserve to be happy and safe, and I will do what I have to so that I can make sure that my duties are carried out. It's the least that you all deserve. Hoshido is not the only nation that is allowed to be secure and joyful. Even if the world detests me for my actions, I will look after you as a true king should. May the glory of Nohr live on for a thousand generations!

Crowd: For the glory of Nohr! 

(The chapter ends as the crowd's cheering grows steadily louder.)


Yay a new chapter that's cool


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