(B) Chapter Twenty-Two: The Edge of Windmire

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(The party is walking near the border of Windmire. The royals are leading the group)

Ryoma: We're practically there... Windmire.

Azura: The war will be over soon. King Garon will be just a bit deeper into the capital.

Hinoka: I can't wait for it to be over... It's gone on far too long and seems almost pointless.

Takumi: We haven't seen the king since our time in Nestra. He was more than a little violent back then. Maybe he'll be a bit more tame on his own turf.

Hinoka: It doesn't matter either way. I can't wait to run him through my lance.

Corrin: I... I must say, I'm feeling a bit better about running into the Nohrian siblings. Leo made it sound like they were all hesitant to fight us. Maybe we can turn them over to our side.

Azura: Their help should make this war easier.

Sakura: Your connection to them has helped us thus far... Elise was able to help us escape Nestra...

Corrin: Sakura, I must say, you seem rather sympathetic towards the Nohrians. I don't mean to be rude, but I didn't expect it.

Sakura: I-I know now who killed our father... I don't have a problem with the everyday people. They aren't the ones who wronged us for so many years...

Ryoma: After all those years of arguing, you would expect us to hate all Nohrians for the things done by their country. However, one thing this war has shown me is that not all of them are horrible. It's funny how things work out that way.

Sakura: The regular civilians are trying to live. They aren't to blame.

Hinoka: My main goal at this point is just to destroy that Iago man. Those who aren't aggressors can continue about their lives.

Azura: I hope we can help the Nohrian siblings though. They don't seem to hold any grudges against us. I could sense the sincerity behind Leo's words during our last encounter.

Takumi: Wait, did you hear that?

Corrin: Hear what?

Takumi: I could have sworn I heard somebody's voice...

Corrin: I didn't hea--

???: So we meet again, Corrin.

Corrin: Ah!

(Camilla comes into view)

Corrin: Camilla! I was hoping we would run into you!

Camilla: Hmph. You sure are confident, aren't you?

Corrin: You don't need to act like this. I know you don't want to fight us. It doesn't need to be this way. It's going to be okay.

Camilla: You can't fool me with your honeyed words. It's time for the battle to begin. I cannot let you enter Windmire, no matter what bond we once shared.

Corrin: This isn't you! Come on, talk to us!

Camilla: We have no more time for talking. It's time to end this.

(The battle begins. The map is the same as chapter twenty-three from the game, but it's designed to be much darker, taking place outside on the regular streets of Nohr)

(Arthur is fought in battle)

Arthur: I don't know who you are, but you must tell us what has happened to our princess!

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