(AF) Chapter Twenty-One: Rise and Fall

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While most eyes remain on Hoshido and Nohr, another war is stirring beneath the surface. Mokushu and Kohga have remained upset with one another for generations, and the tension is about to finally hit a boiling point. Kotaro, the current leader of Mokushu, is planning to show the true force of his nation once and for all, uncaring as to who he hurts along the way. 

(The chapter opens to show a young Kotaro and a few miscellaneous soldiers of Mokushu standing together on the border of Kohga.)

Kotaro: Absolutely pathetic... These fools truly believe that they can leave in peace without ever resorting to violence? Tch... They're nothing short of absolutely pathetic, and the time has come to take back what rightfully belongs to Mokushu!

(The chapter's gameplay segment begins here. The objective is to use Kotaro and his soldiers to wipe out the enemy faction: a group of Kohgan civilians.)

(When Kotaro first initiates combat, the following dialogue plays out.)

Kotaro: You have always been a tragic nation. You had the strength to stand up to Mokushu, and yet, you decided to eliminate the need for combat by becoming a nation of weaklings. You're somehow even more pathetic than Izumo, and that truly is saying something... But I can fix all of that. I shall offer your life up to the strength of Mokushu!

(After the battle draws to a conclusion, Kotaro stands with his soldiers.)

Kotaro: Would you look at that? None of them put up enough of a fight to be a threat to us in the slightest... How sad. Kohga once had enough power to defeat Mokushu, but look at how far they have fallen. They're all wastes of space and air. 

(The ninja in Kotaro's army all agree.)

Kotaro: But our battle does not end here. This is just the start of our invasion. We defeated everyone in the area, so there isn't a way for anyone to call in reinforcements. We'll continue to strike this way: arriving and leaving in the blink of an eye to defeat anyone who crosses our path. It won't take long for Mokushu to take back the land that it lost when Kohga split off from the main nation. 

(The army cheers at Kotaro's words, erupting into noisy cheers and clapping.)

Kotaro: Look at what we've already accomplished, everyone! We've managed to remove countless pathetic weaklings from Kohga, and we'll only continue to defeat more of them as time passes. They will fall, and when they do, we'll reclaim what we deserve. Kohga should never have split away from Mokushu, and all of the land's countrymen will curse the day that their ancestors decided to revolt against our proud, powerful nation. 

(The ninjas continue to cheer, but Kotaro holds up his hand to silence everyone nearby. They immediately fall quiet.)

Kotaro: I doubt that any of them will stand a chance when placed against us on the battlefield, but we must charge on regardless. Remember the image in your mind of Kohga covered in a layer of blood... It will come soon enough, and when it does, Mokushu will grow back to what it once was. 

(The army claps.)

Kotaro: And from there, we'll turn our attention to the rest of the continent! Soon enough, all those who dare to be weak will be crushed beneath our heel, and only the strong will survive! That's how the world ought to be, and I'm going to ensure that everyone knows that! Mokushu will reign!

Crowd: Mokushu will reign!

Kotaro: Kohga will fall, and we will show the world what we are truly capable of! They will regret the day they ever dared to believe that we were weak! 

(Kotaro begins to walk away, and the crowd continues to move towards their destination as the chapter ends.)


Chapter time! This is the first chapter of the second half of this path so. hell yeah


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