(HF) Chapter Ten: Sands of Time

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(The scene opens with the party of the Hoshidan children. Kanaya, Kiragi, Shiro, Galatea, Sumiko, and Tempest are walking together.)

Kiragi: I hope we'll be there soon... We've seen nothing but empty space for ages.

Shiro: If you ask me, we got to Valla a while ago... We just aren't in the spot that guy wanted us to be in.

Galatea: This place is abandoned... How awful. 

Sumiko: I-I bet a lot of people got hurt if the land is this beaten... It looks like nobody has been here in years. 

Tempest: If I had to wager a guess, I'd say it's been well over three decades. Nobody has been here since we were born, that's for sure.

Kanaya: I wonder where that boy is... He wouldn't just abandon us, right?

???: I wouldn't dream of it.

(The boy with blue hair appears nearby.)

Shiro: Damn it! Don't scare us like that!

???: My apologies. 

Sumiko: Um... If you don't mind my asking... What's your name?

Shigure: You... You can call me Shigure. 

Kanaya: Shigure... What do you want with us? Why did you tell us to come here?

Tempest: You had better not be planning anything bad, because if you try anything... 

Shigure: I wouldn't dream of it. I want to end this fighting just as much as the rest of you do, and that isn't possible if you're hurt. 

Kiragi: Well, here we are in Valla. You said you were going to be meeting us here with other people, but I don't see anyone else. 

Shigure: There's one specific location that I'll need you to travel to first. 

Galatea: Great, because this clearly isn't a trap at all. 

Shigure: There are mines here in Valla not far from where we stand now. Inside, there is a passage to the area where the rest of the fighters are waiting for us.

Kiragi: I don't know... How can we be sure you're telling the truth?

Kanaya: I feel weirdly connected to him... I think he's being honest. 

Sumiko: Are you sure, Kanaya...?

Shiro: We trust you and all, but we don't want to risk running straight into a trap. 

Galatea: If this turns out to be a trap, we'll fight our way out of it. If Shigure thinks he can get away with that, he's sorely mistaken. 

Shigure: ... 

Tempest: I suppose there is no other option... 

Shigure: Head due north for a while. You'll arrive there soon... And... Thank you for your help. You're doing great so far.

(Shigure pulls a small blue stone from his pocket. It begins to glow, and he disappears completely.)

Kiragi: How did he disappear like that...?!

Shiro: That blue stone of his must have done it... 

Sumiko: I guess all we can do is keep going... The mines await us. 

Galatea: I wonder where he ran off to... This is arguably the most important part of the recruitment process, but he still ditched us. 

Kanaya: I know he's telling the truth though... I can just... I can tell. 

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