(AF) Chapter Thirty-Three: Runaway

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In the aftermath of Arete's death, Nohr has been left without a queen, and Azura has been left without a mother. Alone in the court of Nohr, Azura's chances of survival continue to dwindle. Her only reassurance comes in the form of Camilla, her close friend and the daughter of her mother's killer. However, all it takes is one encounter between the two girls to change the tides of fate forever... 

(The chapter opens to show a young Camilla standing alone in a corner of the Nohrian palace with a knife in hand.)

Camilla: Mother can't truly mean... No. I won't let this happen. She deserves better than this. 

(The gameplay segment of the chapter begins. The objective is to escort Camilla to Azura's room. After such has been accomplished, the following dialogue plays out as Camilla enters Azura's room. Azura is now wearing the dragonstone pendant that Arete previously wore.)

Azura: C-Camilla? What are you doing here at this hour? Shouldn't you be asleep? 

Camilla: Azura... We need to talk. 

Azura: What is it? 

Camilla: I... I know who killed your mother, Azura. 

Azura: What?!

Camilla: My mother... She thought that your mother was an obstacle, and she wanted to get rid of you both. She instructed me to come here tonight and kill you. 

Azura: C-Camilla... You can't truly mean to... 

Camilla: I'm not going to do it, but... I know that you're in danger the longer you stay here. If you want to survive, you'll have to run. I know that there's a villa that was once used by the Nohrian family for vacation. I've already gathered the supplies that you need to run away. The bag is hiding behind the loose stone in the garden. You have to leave as soon as possible, Azura. I don't want anyone else to get to you. 

Azura: But what about you?

Camilla: I still have my mother to protect me, but you don't have that anymore. If you want to survive, you're going to have to get out of here as soon as possible. Please trust me when I say that this is for your own good. 

Azura: Camilla, I don't want to leave you behind. 

Camilla: We're going to see each other again one day. If you leave now, you'll give us the chance to reunite. We won't be able to meet again if you're dead because somebody, my mother or otherwise, got to you. Do you understand me?

Azura: I... I understand... 

Camilla: Thank you for listening... I want you to stay safe. You're the only friend that I have here, and I don't know what I would do if you got hurt when there was something I could have done to change it. 

Azura: Thank you so much for this, Camilla... But you have to promise me that this won't be the last time that we see each other. I don't want to leave you here if this is the last time that we're going to cross paths. 

Camilla: I'll make sure to come and find you as soon as it's safe for me to do so. I'm going to miss you too, but... This is what we need to do. I want you to stay alive, Azura. Trust me when I say that this is for the best. 

Azura: Alright... Until we meet each other again... I'll miss you, Camilla. 

Camilla: I'll miss you too... Good luck. 

Azura: To you as well. 

(Azura runs from the room, and Camilla looks down to the knife.)

Camilla: Mother isn't going to be happy... I'll just tell her that Azura was already gone by the time that I arrived... You can do this, Azura. I'm sure that you'll be alright. May we meet again one day under Yugare's watchful eye. 

(Camilla leaves the room as she puts the knife away. The screen fades to black.)


This chapter is so intense but I live for it wow


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