(HF) Chapter Twenty-One: White Light Curse

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(The scene opens with Shiro, Tempest, Kiragi, Sumiko, Galatea, Shigure, Kana, and Kanaya walking together through the palace of Valla.)

Shigure: I can feel that we're getting closer to Thalone... 

Shiro: Fighting that woman... Aquaria, I think he said her name was... That was only the beginning. 

Galatea: A lot still waits for us inside this palace... 

Sumiko: This place is huge! How are we supposed to find him when we barely know which direction we're going in?

Kiragi: It can't be that hard to find a resurrected god, right? 

Tempest: We'll simply have to comb through this place slowly and dispatch of any enemies that appear in our way. The sooner we find him, the better, but... We can't let our excitement get the better of us. 

Kana: If he can call on enough reinforcements, he could crush us, so we'll just have to get rid of them before we go in to deal the final blow. 

Kanaya: We have this all under control! We'll be fine!

Galatea: Wait... Did you hear that?

Kiragi: I did... It sounded like footsteps. 

Shiro: I bet there are more of those soldiers nearby... 

Tempest: Ready your weapons. 

Sumiko: I wonder who's part of this group of enemies... 

Shigure: I'm sure we'll get our answer sooner rather than later, as much as I hate to say it. 

Kana: All of our parents are still left... We haven't run into any of them yet, so... 

Kanaya: They must be coming up soon... I'm not looking forward to fighting them... 

Shigure: Remember that they aren't acting like themselves. They died when Thalone lashed out at them with the full might of his army. This is a reflection, an imitation, of who they once were. You might be fighting monstrosities with the faces of your family members, but you must know that they aren't the ones that you came to know when you were growing up. 

Shiro: It's hard enough to tell ourselves that, much less actually follow through with fighting them. 

Kiragi: I don't know if I can do it... Even if I know it's what we have to do, it still... It bothers me. I don't want to be responsible for hurting them. 

Sumiko: They don't seem to have any sense of pain... If they aren't alive, then they can't feel pain. 

Tempest: As much as it might hurt to do so, we'll need to push through our doubts and defeat them once and for all. 

Galatea: Shigure is right. We can do this. We've been getting ready for this ever since we set out to defeat the one responsible for the invasion. Even if we didn't know what we were getting into, we have to do this. 

Kana: Our parents saved the continent from destruction before, and now we have to do the same. They ended the war between Hoshido and Nohr, so we'll have to do this to protect the world they made. 

Kanaya: It's the least we can do to honor their memories now that they've been defeated... 

Shigure: I believe I've found the ones who Kiragi and Galatea overheard earlier... Look. 

(A group of invisible soldiers appears nearby.)

Kana: There are a lot of them... 

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