(B) Chapter Twelve: Masked Alliance

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(As soon as Corrin arrives back following chapter ten, Corrin and Lilith speak near the throne of the astral plane)

Lilith: Lord Corrin! You'll never guess what I figured out how to do!

Corrin: What is it?

(Lilith shifts back into human form)

Lilith: I can change back!

Corrin: That's amazing!

Lilith: I began to study the dragonstone that you were given. With some thinking, I realized that I had one of my own. I was given it a long time ago, but I never realized what purpose it served.

Corrin: I'm glad that you can change back now.

Lilith: I'll be able to join you in your fight from here on out.

Corrin: Thank you, Lilith!

Lilith: It's my pleasure!

(Lilith has her own exclusive class in this version. It is called 'Draconic Maid'. She can use daggers, dragonstones, and staves. Her dagger rank goes to B, dragonstone to A, and staff to B)

(The scene is a few days later. The party is traveling through a forest of Mokushu)

Corrin: I'm surprised we haven't run into any soldiers yet. From what Anna told us, Mokushu shouldn't be holding back.

Anna: They're allied with Nohr, so they should be attacking us right now. I've never seen Mokushu so empty, even if I've only been here a few days.

Kaze: Do you think they might be planning something?

Hinoka: It wouldn't surprise me. We need to try and take care of Mokushu for what the nation has done so far. Toppling Kohga and murdering a Hoshidan noble... Both are high crimes with heavy prices. First, we need to find Takumi though. I don't want him getting hurt while he's alone.

Sakura: T-Takumi is strong... He'll be okay...

Kaze: Wait a moment... Did you hear that?

Hinoka: Hear what?

Kaze: Watch out!

(Kaze dives in front of Sakura, blocking the blow of an oncoming shuriken)

Sakura: Th-Thank you, Kaze...

Kaze: This is a Mokushijin weapon... Some of their ninjas must be nearby.

Kotaro: We're closer than you think.

(Kotaro and many Mokushujin surround the group)

Corrin: I remember you! I saw you harassing Anna a few days ago!

Anna: Allow me to introduce you to the traitorous daimyo of Mokushu, Kotaro. These days, he's trying to take over Hoshidan land, yes?

Kotaro: You shouldn't have been meddling where you don't belong. What Mokushu does is none of your business, whelp.

Hinoka: What do you want from us?

Kotaro: Many things. First and foremost, you are Hoshidan royals, lovely prizes Nohr would simply love. When Nohr captures Hoshido, Mokushu is going to get some of its land. The sooner the royals fall, the better. However, you also know far too much regarding the past of Mokushu, so your end has come.

Corrin: We're going to have to fight our way out of this.

Sakura: I hope he doesn't have Takumi somewhere...

Anna: When I was here, he didn't have any prisoners, Hoshidan or otherwise. I just hope nothing has happened in the time since I've joined you all.

Corrin: We can worry about Takumi later. For the time being, we have to get out of here alive!

(The battle begins on the Mokushu forest map. The enemy placements are much the same. The objective is to defeat Kotaro. Note: Takumi does not appear from the left side of the map in this chapter)

(Kotaro is engaged in combat)

Kotaro: You will now see the might of Mokushu that has toppled nations!

(Kaze engages Kotaro in combat)

Kotaro: You look rather familiar, ninja...

Kaze: ...

Kotaro: That's right. You look like the man from Hoshido I killed all those years ago. I heard he had sons. Would you be one of them?

Kaze: Yes, I am.

Kotaro: Good, good. I can reunite father and son in the afterlife now!

(Kotaro is defeated)

Kotaro: Curse you...

(The battle ends. Instead of dying, Kotaro has been spared by the Hoshidan army temporarily)

Corrin: Nohr will be upset to hear one of its valued allies has fallen in battle.

Kotaro: You can say that all you want. The end has not yet come for me.

Hinoka: Say that all you want. We all know the truth is that you've been caught.

Kaze: Saizo will be happy to hear of his defeat.

Sakura: Wait... I see something in the distance...

Hinoka: See what?

Sakura: It looks like fire, but it's purple!

Corrin: There's a bunch of people coming closer. I can't tell where they're from, but they don't seem Hoshidan at all...

(The leader of the troop is revealed to be a man. He is surrounded by purple fire, walking as if he has no control over his body. With glassy eyes, he prepares an arrow and fires it at the party. Corrin barely manages to dodge the shot)

Kotaro: What a convenient distraction...

(Kotaro runs from the scene while the Hoshidans are distracted by the arrow)

Sakura: Corrin! Are you alright?!

Corrin: I'm fine... Just a little rattled... What was that?

Hinoka: It looks like we're not out of the woods just yet. I doubt we can get out of this peacefully, so we're going to have to fight once again.

Corrin: I agree... Everyone, to arms! 


I have no idea how long I've had this finished, but it's been at least a week or so. 

I really should have done this sooner. I have to do some other stuff really quick (aka cross post all of the EA and QATH stuff I've been skimping on for the past two or three or four months). On a related note, the last time I remember updating EA here was in May. May! I really need to get on that. 

That being said, prepare for a spam of updates. Rip your notification boxes if you follow my stories. 


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