(HF) Chapter Nine: Skyline Singer

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(The scene opens on Kana and Forrest's group standing together inside Palace Syrene.)

Forrest: I'm glad we've found safety here... This is much more secure than I would have expected.

Nina: Now that the garden has been touched up, the food there isn't that bad.

Dwyer: Imagine the teas we could brew from such magnificent herbs... 

Timpani: It's pretty clear to see royalty once stayed here.

Ophelia: It truly is an incredible abode... 

Sophie: The stables are incredible too... I never would have expected this place to be so nice.

Kana: I just hope our parents will be able to catch up with us... They have to come back at some point, right? They wouldn't just leave us.

Jasper: Of course not. Take a deep breath, Kana. Everything is going to be just fine.

Sophie: Wait... Look outside! I think something is coming!

Jasper: It looks like more of those invisible soldiers again... Damn it! 

Timpani: It seems we can't have a moment of peace... How unfortunate. Should we get ready to fight?

Forrest: I don't see any other options, as much as I hate to say it... 

Nina: Alright. In that case, grab your weapons. We'll take care of this. 

Ophelia: They shall fall before the might of Ophelia Dusk!

Dwyer: I'm not looking forward to this, but what choice do we have...?

Kana: Get to your positions, everyone! There's not a moment to lose!

(The battle begins. Kana and Forrest's party is stationed around the top of the map near Palace Syrene. The objective is to rout the enemy while keeping them from entering the fort. If an enemy breaches the entrance point, the chapter will end in failure.)

(At the start of turn three, Siegbert's party appears at the bottom of the map.)

Siegbert: Here we are... 

Velouria: Looks like we've got company already... Perfect.

Owen: Look at how many of them there are... 

Soleil: Well, they seem to be attacking something... I suppose we'll just have to be the knights in shining armor to save the day!

Ignatius: I have a bad feeling about all of this... 

Percy: Justice will prevail! Worry not, Ignatius! We shall succeed in this battle!

Luna: Enough standing around. We have work to take care of.

(The battle resumes. After the fight is over, the children all stand together.)

Forrest: Siegbert... I can't believe it! You're here! 

Siegbert: I am so relieved to see that you're safe... 

Ignatius: We got rid of them together... Thank Yugare... 

Sophie: You guys should come inside! We've made a nice little home out of this place.

Dwyer: I'm exhausted after that... Too much excitement for me... 

Luna: I'm relieved to see everyone still lives... 

Kana: I was so worried about all of you...

Velouria: Nothing is going to keep us down. Don't worry about us.

Soleil: We have to stay alive for each other now. No dying now!

Nina: Hold on for a moment... I don't think we're alone.

Ophelia: A shadow darkens our doorstep... 

Percy: Do... Do you think it could be a ghost?

Owen: Impossible... 

Timpani: There's no way to see until we open up.

Jasper: Are we sure this is a good idea?

Percy: We won't know until we try it... 

Ignatius: I don't like this...!

Nina: Alright... Let's get this over with...

(Nina opens the door slowly. Luna holds out a knife to the newcomer, who is shown to be a boy with blue hair covering one eye.)

Luna: State your intentions.

???: I am here to assist you all. 

Owen: Assist us how?

Forrest: Who are you?

???: I am going to have to save that answer for another time... For the time being, I need you all to head north of Nohr. 

Velouria: And why would we do that?

???: The source of these invisible foes is in the lost land of Valla. If you want this nightmare to end, please go to Valla. I am gathering a rebellion there.

Dwyer: Why should we believe you? You could be trying to trick us.

Soleil: How do you know where they're coming from? 

Owen: Are you working with them?

???: I would never dream of it... I will explain everything once you arrive. Please, follow me there.

Kana: I... Have we met before...?

???: No... Never... I should get going. 

Sophie: Wait! Come back!

Siegbert: He's gone... 

Ophelia: What are we to do?

Timpani: Should... Should we follow him?

Velouria: Why should we trust him? He could be trying to use this against us.

Soleil: Why would a human side with those... Those things?

Ignatius: I think we should stay here... We're safe here.

Percy: But they'll keep coming back unless we go to take care of them at the source.

Owen: If we want the fighting to end, we have to cut them off.

Luna: In that case, the answer seems clear as day.

Forrest: Kana... Does he feel familiar to you?

Kana: Yeah... His pendant reminds me of my dragonstone. 

Nina: How would a villain have gotten their hands on a dragonstone? Thievery?

Ophelia: They are perhaps impossible to encounter though... 

Sophie: Ophelia has a good point. He probably got it from somebody else with the power to transform. 

Dwyer: So... Are we going after him?

Timpani: It's at least worth investigating. 

Jasper: Well... If that's the conclusion we've come to... 

Siegbert: It's been settled then. It's time to set off for the fallen kingdom of Valla.


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