(R) Chapter Twenty: Twisted King

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(The chapter starts with Corrin, Azura, and Xander moving together through Valla.)

Corrin: It hasn't been that long since our encounter with Iago, but it feels like we've been walking for ages... 

Azura: That's likely due to the scenery. Everything here looks the same. It's all destroyed buildings no matter where you look. 

Xander: At this point, fighting against some of the invisible soldiers would be preferable. At least then we'd have some reassurance that we're going in the right direction. 

Corrin: You're right. We'd be lucky if we found out that we were moving in the right way given that we have no evidence this is where those soldiers are coming from. 

Azura: Hold on... Look off in the distance. I think I see something... 

Xander: It looks like more of the soldiers in purple fire... Let's advance with caution. It wouldn't do for us to be ambushed at this point. 

Corrin: Hang on a moment... N-No, it can't be... Their leader... It's... 

Garon: ... 

Xander: F... Father?! 

Azura: How did he get here?! 

Corrin: There are invisible soldiers everywhere around him... That has to mean something. Do you think that he's involved in this somehow? 

Xander: He did undergo a pretty drastic shift in personality a few years ago... It was after the death of my mother. He suddenly grew violent, seemingly out of nowhere... 

Azura: If it had something to do with the invisible soldiers, that would make sense. They've been wandering around freely while surrounded by purple fire as of late, and they're mindless... They're set only on destruction. 

Xander: That seems to fit the description... 

Corrin: But we won't know about it until we go to confront him head-on. I know this is going to be hard, but... We have to do this. The future of the continent needs us to do this. 

Xander: I understand completely, and I agree with you. We've come too far to back away now. Do not worry about me, Corrin. I'm ready for this battle. 

Corrin: I'm glad to hear you're with us, Xander. Now, let's take care of things!

(The battle begins. The objective is to defeat Garon, who waits at the top of the map. The enemy faction consists of invisible soldiers. The map itself is a wide, open space with a few destroyed buildings scattered about that act as fortresses.)

(If Corrin initiates combat with Garon, the following dialogue plays out.)

Corrin: Once upon a time, I called you my father... And yet, you were capable of so many monstrous acts. I wonder... Was any of it real? Were you always simply a puppet to the fire? 

Garon: Step aside... Or suffer the consequences... 

Corrin: No... I can't focus on the past now. There's a world out there that needs me, and I'll do what I have to in order to save it from people like you! 

(If Azura initiates combat with Garon, the following dialogue plays out.)

Azura: Years have passed since we last saw each other... Tell me, King Garon... Do you remember me? 

Garon: Arete... You look just like Arete... 

Azura: Hmph... To you, I was only ever a shadow of my mother, it seems... How tragic. However, that has no bearing on the outcome of this fight. Prepare yourself. 

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