Chapter Four: Mother

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(In the Hoshidan Throne Room)

Mikoto: You look as if you're feeling better after some time to yourself, Corrin. 

Corrin: I am, yes. I still have many questions, but at least now I have a few answers. Thank you for giving the space I needed to think. 

Mikoto: Of course. I'm glad to hear you're doing better. 

(Yukimura appears)

Yukimura: Excuse me, Lady Mikoto. The ceremony is about to begin. 

Mikoto: Thank you, Yukimura. Corrin, you probably don't remember him, but this is Yukimura. He's our royal strategist and one of our brightest leaders. We would be lost without him. 

Yukimura: You are too kind, milady. 

(The rest of Hoshidan royal siblings appear)

Mikoto: I'd like to make a public announcement about your return, Corrin. There have been rumors circulating about you being a Nohrian spy. I would like to quell the fears of the people today. Yukimura, is everything ready?

Yukimura: Yes, milady. People are beginning to gather in the plaza. 

Mikoto: Excellent. Thank you. Corrin, I've arranged for Takumi, Hinoka, and Sakura to give you a tour. I thought you might want to get to know the area a little bit before the event. I need to speak with Yukimura a bit more first, but I'll meet you at the plaza soon. 

Hinoka: We'd be happy to show them around. Thank you, Mother. 

Mikoto: Azura, do you mind going with them as well?

Azura: Not at all. It would be my pleasure. 

Corrin: Thank you, Azura. 

Takumi: Hmph. 

Sakura: I can't wait to show you around! I think you'll l-love it here. 

Corrin: Thank you, Sakura. A guided tour sounds like a great idea. 

(Scene changes to Shirasagi Castle Town)

Corrin: Everyone really is friendly here. And it's so bright and open. It's quite a contrast from the gloomy fortress I grew up in. 

Azura: I'm glad you like it. Like I said, I've always been happy here. 

Takumi: Just don't get too comfortable. 

Corrin: Pardon me?

Takumi: I don't trust you. Shouldn't you be heading back to Nohr soon?

Corrin: Takumi, I swear I'm here with good intentions. 

Takumi: I don't trust you. 

Sakura: I apologize for Takumi's rudeness. He's a bit of a hothead. Anyway, how would you like to try a sweet rice dumpling? Its a Hoshidan speciality!

Corrin: I'd love to. Thank you, Sakura. 

Sakura: You're welcome!

Corrin: You know, I'm very close with a girl in Nohr who's around your age. 

Sakura: What's she like?

Corrin: She's generous and kind, always putting the needs of others first. 

Hinoka: Alright, everyone. The ceremony is starting. Let's head to the plaza. 

(The royal siblings all go to Mikoto, who is standing before a crowd of citizens. Corrin looks down and sees Ganglari shaking. The sword flies from its scabbard and into the hands of a robed figure in the crowd. The figure drives the blade downwards into the ground, causing a large explosion. People are sent flying in every direction from the blast. The Ganglari shatters into dozens of pieces that fly towards Corrin. Mikoto leaps in front of Corrin to block the shards heading towards them. She lets out a pained scream and falls into Corrin's arms)

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