(C) Chapter Twenty-Seven: Treason

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(The scene opens with the Nohrian royals and Nyx returning to the main area of the palace)

Xander: Iago is out of the equation. Now, our main priority is Hans.

Corrin: This place is crawling with the king's soldiers... The road ahead isn't going to be easy for us.

Camilla: Nobody ever said it would be, but we have to keep going.

Corrin: I agree... Wait! There he is!

(Hans enters holding his axe in one hand. The blade of the axe has been stained in blood)

Xander: Hans, what are you doing?

Leo: You seem rather proud of yourself.

Hans: I just took care of the last wall in between us and Hoshido.

Corrin: What? But I thought Ryoma was...

Hans: As it turns out, no. The Hoshidan queen has been alive all this time.

Corrin: Ah!

Hans: She survived the attack on the capital, but she was badly wounded as a result... I figured she would have died of infection or something similar, and yet, she still lived. I couldn't have that.

Azura: So... You killed her?!

Hans: I'm glad to see we're on the same page. It's what the king wanted anyways. You understand, right?

Elise: But Hoshido was already ours! She was sick and dying already!

Hans: I'm not one to take political prisoners. In fact, I'm about to go take care of the last Hoshidan royal now. Sakura, I believe her name was. We have no reason to keep her alive now.

Corrin: No.

Hans: What do you mean, 'no'?

Corrin: I'm not going to let you hurt her.

Hans: This is tantamount to treason against the crown, you know! These are the king's orders!

Corrin: Well, they've just been overridden.

Hans: What?

Corrin: First, we're going to kill you. After that, the king will fall as well. Nohr is not a land of bloodshed and conquest inherently. You helped to make it that way. For the future generations of this continent, I will strike you down.

Hans: T-Traitor! You meant to betray us all this time!

Corrin: Glad to know you finally caught up.

Hans: Soldiers! Eliminate the royal children and their pesky troops!

Corrin: Everyone, to arms!

(The battle begins)

(Initiating combat against Hans)

Hans: You wish to change Nohr from the inside?! Ha! A laughable idea at best!

(Corrin initiates combat with Hans)

Corrin: You have done far too much to the innocent people of this land to remain alive.

Hans: Like what? Kill the Nestrans, Chevois, and Hoshidans? What does it matter to you?

Corrin: Innocent people do not deserve to die. It's that simple.

Hans: The strong people in this world live while the weak fall. It's that simple.

Corrin: We clearly have very different philosophies. The innocent people deserve to live. The inability to fight does not mean someone is worthless.

Hans: You don't understand strength at all then.

Corrin: I think you'll find I understand it a lot more than you think!

(Hans is defeated)

Hans: Defeated...?! Here?! No... King Garon... Help me...

(After the battle, the nobles look down at Hans' body)

Xander: Good riddance...

Corrin: It's hard to believe someone who killed so many could be struck down so simply... A few months ago, I never would have imagined we'd be strong enough to do it.

Camilla: That's one thing war does. It makes you stronger.

Corrin: I... I can't stop thinking about Mother though... While we were rescuing Hinoka, he...

Elise: You can't blame yourself for that. You couldn't have known.

Corrin: We should have split up. Some of us should have gone to take care of Iago while the others—

Xander: Corrin!

Corrin: ...

Xander: Elise is right. You couldn't have known that would happen.

Corrin: Still... I never got to say goodbye... I never got to apologize for letting her get hurt...

Leo: Corrin, I'm sure she already knows. She was your mother.

Corrin: You think so...?

Camilla: If it makes you feel better, maybe we could help contribute to her grave after the war. I'm sure the Hoshidan royalty would want to bury her as soon as possible.

Corrin: I hope Hinoka and Sakura can forgive us for what happened...

Azura: They're reasonable people. They'll understand we weren't to blame. We couldn't have known.

Elise: From what you've told us, they seem nice too.

Corrin: Thank you... All of you.

(Nyx enters)

Nyx: Lord Corrin, I believe it's time.

Corrin: You're right... It's time to end everything, here and now. For the glory of Nohr.

(The screen fades to black) 


I'm posting this in between typing 100 words for Galaxy of Hyperion since that's getting updated around the Sunday-Tuesday range


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