(C) Chapter Twenty-Six: Revenge against Red

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(The scene opens with the royals and Nyx standing together outside the throne room)

Corrin: What are we supposed to do now? We've done it. Hoshido belongs to Nohr now.

Camilla: Our next act would be to remove Hans and Iago from the picture. From there, he'll be nearly defenseless.

Leo: What about Thalone? He was with Father for a while to help Iago strategize.

Xander: I don't know where he is. I haven't seen him since we properly began the invasion.

Corrin: For now, let's assume he's out of the picture. Who should we go after first?

Camilla: I saw Iago sneaking away during that last battle. I think we should see where he got off to and take care of him once and for all.

Nyx: I have a bad feeling about this...

Elise: Let's not wait any longer. Come on.

(The scene transitions to show the royals and Nyx walking down the stairs into the dungeons beneath the Hoshidan palace)

Corrin: The dungeons? What would he be doing down here?

Camilla: I don't know, but I suspect we're about to find out...

Elise: I smell blood...

(The screen pans over to Iago. He is standing in front of Hinoka, who has been badly injured. Azama and Setsuna, both dead, are on either side of her)

Corrin: What the hell...?!

Xander: Iago!

Iago: What are you all doing here...?! Aren't you supposed to be with the king?!

Azura: I'm afraid he's occupied at the moment. What's going on?

Iago: Hmph... If you must know... I'm taking revenge on someone else.

Nyx: I should have known... He gave up too easily in trying to take me down. I should have seen it coming that it was for another reason.

Iago: You're easy to access if I wish to take care of things, my dear sister. A Hoshidan princess, on the other hand...

Corrin: Iago, stand down.

Iago: You can't order me around now. I've had enough of working for someone else. It's my chance to have my revenge on someone I hate. You brought this upon her. If you had just killed her like you were asked to...

Corrin: You...

Iago: I had a feeling you let her live. I would have told the king if not for my personal grudges against her. They run much deeper than you could ever be aware of, I'm afraid.

Camilla: This all works out nicely. You're acting out, so we'll just have to get you back in line.

Azura: You have committed enough crimes. Prepare to pay!

Iago: Alright, alright... But do make this quick, will you? I have other business to attend to.

Corrin: The time has come to finish him. We fight!

(The battle begins)

(Initiating combat against Iago)

Iago: I have had enough of you, all of you! It's time that you paid for the inconvenience you've caused me!

(Corrin initiates combat against Iago)

Iago: Are you ready to pay for your betrayal against the crown, young Corrin?

Corrin: No. I'm ready to kill you.

Iago: You seem determined. I doubt you'll be able to pull it off though.

Corrin: Don't even think about underestimating me. You have no idea how long I've waited for this.

Iago: If you're so sure of yourself, come, fool! I will show you the full extent of my power!

(Iago is defeated)

Iago: This can't be happening... I can't... I can't die...

(After the battle, the royals and Nyx stand near Iago's dead body)

Corrin: Good riddance...

Elise: Princess Hinoka! Are you alright?

Hinoka : I...

Azura: Elise, you need to heal her as soon as possible.

Elise: I'm on it.

(Elise heals Hinoka as Kaze enters)

Kaze: Lady Hinoka...!

Corrin: Huh? Kaze? I thought you...

Kaze : I survived.

Hinoka : Kaze...

Camilla: Alright, you've been healed. Mind telling us what happened?

Hinoka: I'll just say the two of us have a history...

Corrin: Why didn't you run, Hinoka?

Hinoka : I-I tried... He caught me while I was trying to escape...

Camilla: And your retainers...

Hinoka: ...

Corrin: You can't leave now... You don't have the energy to do so. Stay here, Hinoka. We'll take care of things.

Hinoka: Alright...

Camilla: Poor thing... Iago must have really had it out for her.

Xander: That's one person we've taken care of. It's time to eliminate Hans. Let's get going.

Kaze : I'll stay here with Lady Hinoka.

Corrin: You aren't going to try and fight us?

Kaze : What would be the point? You killed her assailant. That's proof enough for me you're on our side.

Azura: Thank you, Kaze... We'll be back soon.

(The royals and Nyx leave Kaze and Hinoka behind. Camilla and Corrin walk together)

Camilla: I can really tell how much you care about your birth family, Corrin.

Corrin: You can?

Camilla: Of course... You wouldn't be sparing them if you didn't care, yes?

Corrin: I suppose that's true...

Camilla: I know the chances of this are slim, but... After this is all over, I want to get to know them better. I doubt it will be easy, but they deserve some peace from Nohr after all they've endured.

Corrin: That's rather kind of you...

Camilla: It's what I would want if I were in their position. At the end of the day, they're people like us. They aren't monsters. They don't deserve to be treated as such.

Corrin: Maybe we can get together with our siblings and talk to them once peace has been restored.

Camilla: I'd like that... And I'm sure your other big sister would too.

(The screen fades to black) 


Capitalization is weird


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