(HT) Prologue: The Letters

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(The scene opens with Severa, Inigo, and Owain standing together on the Mila Tree. They all walk up to the others, each holding a letter in one hand)

Severa: What are you two doing here? 

Owain: I could ask you the same thing.

Inigo: You two both got letters, did you not?

Severa: Duh. It's right here.

Owain: A peculiar message calling us to an abandoned location... What could it mean?

Severa: I think it means we're in trouble. We're going to see what's going on and then go back.

Inigo: Hm... It appears we were the only ones who received such notes. I'm afraid I don't see any of our other companions around here.

Severa: Then let's just get this over with so we can get back.

Owain: Halt... Do you hear that? 

Severa: Hear what?

Inigo: It sounds like... Growling...

(A group of Faceless approaches the group, grumbling threateningly)

Owain: Gods!

Severa: Well, there's the sound! Come on, let's get rid of them! We have to get out of here as soon as possible!

Inigo: It appears these letters sent to us were part of a trap... Let's try and get out of this alive, alright? Don't go dying on me!

(The battle begins. The fight takes place on the Mila Tree with Faceless as the enemies.)

(Severa initiates combat with the boss)

Severa: Listen, I don't know where you freaks came from, but you're definitely not from around here. We just got peace around here, and I won't let monsters like you come in and ruin it!

(Inigo initiates combat with the boss)

Inigo: I must wonder where you all came from... It is clear you are nothing like the Risen we came to know so well over the past few years. I want to know who and what you are, but given your incoherence, I somehow doubt I'll be getting many answers...

(Owain initiates combat with the boss)

Owain: Horrible beasts! I know not of your origins, but I am sure I will defeat you! Do not get too comfortable here; this is our world, not yours! Our peace took years to attain, and we did not give you permission to rain upon our parade this way!

(After the battle, the three stand together, surrounded by the remains of the Faceless they had defeated)

Inigo: They're gone...

Severa: What the hell even were those things? They certainly didn't look familiar.

Inigo: Whatever they were, they're not from around here. 

Owain: Perhaps the messages we received were meant to lure us to a far off location and defeat us with these peculiar creatures...

Severa: Who can say? ...Hey, all of the monsters have these weird blue gems on them. I wonder what they could be.

(Severa approaches a Faceless and picks up a blue stone from off its body. Inigo and Owain follow, reaching out to touch the stone as well. The second they all make contact with it, light begins to appear around them, and they vanish seconds later. The bodies of the Faceless remain alongside the letters they received as they disappear from sight and leave the continent of Ylisse behind...)


Well, after a break, we're back with Hidden Truths! This version is going to be a ten chapter miniseries, which means it's much longer than the game and fully explains how the trio came to work in Nohr. The chapters will be a lot shorter, but they'll have a lot of information slammed in them. Cool, right?



Fire Emblem Fates RewriteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora