(R) Chapter Eleven: Dark Siege

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(The chapter opens with Corrin traveling alongside Azura, Sakura, and Hinoka through Izumo.)

Corrin: So, this is Izumo... 

Sakura: Takumi said that he was going to be heading here to see if we could gain an alliance with the archduke. 

Hinoka: I hope that nothing bad has happened to him... It's so quiet here. 

Azura: If you ask me, it's too quiet... Something about this is bothering me already. 

Sakura: M-Me too... Where is Takumi? 

Corrin: Hold on... Are those Nohrian soldiers? 

Hinoka: Damn... You're right. I suppose that Nohr was hoping to make an ally out of Archduke Izana as well. 

Sakura: Wh-What do we do? 

Azura: We need to see if we can rescue Izumo from their grasp. It wouldn't do for us to walk away when we knew Nohr was marching on the nation. 

Corrin: Besides, Takumi could be in trouble. I don't want to leave him behind if he's in trouble. 

Hinoka: Let's make for the palace. That's where all of these soldiers appear to be going. 

(The scene changes to show Takumi, Oboro, and Hinata cornered in the palace of Izumo.)

Takumi: Damn it... There are so many of them! 

Oboro: I didn't realize that Nohr would be so violent when it came to forming new alliances... 

Hinata: I don't see the archduke anywhere. What can we do? We have to find a way to get out of here. 

Takumi: We're going to have to fight our way through. It's not going to be easy, but what fight ever is? 

Oboro: We're with you, Lord Takumi! 

Hinata: What she said! 

Takumi: Stay close. I don't want anything bad to happen to us while we're trying to get out of here. 

(The camera pans over to show Corrin, Azura, Sakura, and Hinoka at the entrance of the palace.)

Corrin: There are Nohrian soldiers everywhere...! 

Azura: King Garon is being strict as far as alliances are concerned... I still don't see Takumi anywhere. 

Hinoka: I think I found him... He's on the other side of the room, and he's surrounded. 

Sakura: That's awful! Is the archduke with him? 

Hinoka: No... It's just him and his retainers. 

Corrin: It seems like the battlefield has made the decision for us about what we're going to be doing next. It's all the same to me. Let's take care of things! 

(The battle begins. The objective is to defeat the boss, Zola, who is stationed in the throne room at the top of the map. Takumi, Oboro, and Hinata start in the small room at the center of the map while your units begin at the bottom.)

(If Corrin talks to Takumi, the following dialogue plays out.)

Corrin: Takumi! I'm so glad to see that you're safe! 

Takumi: C-Corrin?! What the hell are you doing here?! 

Corrin: I'm saving you! 

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