(AF) Chapter Six: Children of Dragons

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In the years since the establishment of Notre Sagesse, the leaders of Hoshido, Nohr, and Valla have all gone on to expand their lineages. Aurore, Delia, and Concordia have all had children of their own, and the heirs to their bloodlines are meeting in one place for the first time at long last. However, an unexpected secret is about to come to light that will change the way they view themselves forever... 

(The chapter opens in the throne room of Valla. Ryo, Aurore's son, is already standing with Delphi, Concordia's daughter.)

Ryo: I believe that Pythios should be here soon... 

(Pythios, Delia's child, arrives soon afterwards.)

Pythios: Here I am! Sorry about the wait. 

Delphi: There's no need to worry... Now that you're both here, I think that we should discuss the important matter at hand. 

Ryo: Yeah... I learned recently that I have the power to transform into a dragon. 

Delphi: My mother mentioned that this was possible. We are the first to be born with the blood of dragons in our veins, so this always had the potential to happen. 

Pythios: It's not something that any of us could have seen coming, but... I'm glad that we have this ability. 

Ryo: Hang on... Did you two hear that? 

Pythios: What is it? 

Ryo: ...Someone's coming. Multiple people, if I had to guess. 

(The doors burst open to show many assassins wearing dark clothing surrounding the trio.)

Delphi: It appears that some nefarious figures found out that we were here... We're going to have to fight our way out of here. Understood? 

Pythios: Of course. I'm ready if you two are. 

Ryo: Let's do it! 

(The battle begins. The objective is to defeat all of the enemies on the map. Ryo, Pythios, and Delphi are stationed at the center of the map with their foes in a circle around them. Many enemies have wyrmslayer weapons.)

(If a foe attacks with a wyrmslayer, the following dialogue plays out.)

Delphi: I have a bad feeling about that blade... I think it's meant to slay dragons. 

Ryo: I think Mother told me once that she's weak to those swords because of her Dragon Vein powers... I bet that it would hit us a lot harder. 

Pythios: We'll just have to be careful then. Stay out of trouble, you two! 

(After the battle ends, Ryo, Pythios, and Delphi stand together once again.)

Ryo: Phew... It's a relief that's finally over. 

Pythios: Those wyrmslayer weapons... They sure do hit hard. 

Delphi: You're right. We're going to have to keep in mind that we're weak to them... But if you ask me, the weapons are only at their strongest if the victim has a large quantity of draconic blood. My mother never mentioned being impacted so drastically by them. 

Ryo: I'll remember that for the future. I'm sure that everyone back home will want to hear about that.

Pythios: My parents are going to want to investigate what happened here today... Hearing that assassins managed to sneak through the cracks will certainly upset my mother. It comes with the territory of being royalty, especially when we're all gathered together like this, but it's still far from being fun to deal with. 

Ryo: I have no doubt that they'll be able to find the truth. I know that everyone can figure out what happened if they work together. 

Delphi: I'm glad that we're in agreement... For now, let's heal our wounds and tell everyone we can about what happened. 

Ryo: Alright... Here's to hoping that nothing like this happens again. It sure was frustrating to deal with. 

Pythios: We'll be more careful from here on out. Still, I think that Delphi has the right idea in believing that it would be best for us to cover our injuries first. 

Delphi: Follow me. This won't happen again, I can assure you both. 

Ryo: I'm glad to hear it... Now, let's take care of business. We dragons have to stick together, after all. 

(The chapter ends as Ryo, Pythios, and Delphi leave the throne room.)


I did a lot of procrastinating before posting this but sh it's okay


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