(AF) Chapter Fourteen: Child of Destruction

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Many generations have passed since the last of the countries of Pheuyura was established. An unsteady peace has covered the land, but uncertainty is finally about to arise. In the nation of Nestra, three children are growing, and one of them is set to take over the throne. Nyala, Ianne, and Augustus are preparing themselves for the day that they take over their country, but tragedy is about to strike and change every plan they have ever crafted. 

(The chapter opens to show a young Nyala, otherwise known as Nyx, walking through the streets of Nestra. She is glowing with dark energy and barely seems to be able to control herself.)

Nyala: Such power truly rests within... May my dark magic guide me to the future I wish for! 

(The gameplay segment of the chapter begins. The objective is to rout the enemy, and the only player character is Nyala, who is overleveled when compared to her foes. The enemies are all weak and will not be able to do much damage to her.)

(When the first foe is defeated, the following dialogue plays out.)

Nestran: No! Lady Nyala... How could you...? 

Nyala: ... 

(After three turns, a pair of figures, Ella and Phillip, appear at the top of the map. They are the current rulers of Nestra and Nyala's parents.)

Ella: Nyala, please stop this! 

Phillip: Can you hear us?!

Nyala: ... 

(When Ella is defeated, the following dialogue plays out.)

Ella: N-No... Nyala... 

(If Ella was defeated first, the dialogue will continue for one more line. If not, it ends here.)

Phillip: How can you do this?! Nyala!!

(When Phillip is defeated, the following dialogue plays out.)

Phillip: How can this be...?!

(If Phillip was defeated first, the dialogue will continue for one more line. If not, it ends here.)

Ella: No! Nyala, please stop this madness! 

(At the end of the battle, Nyala stands at the center of the destruction. She seems to snap out of a trance and realize what has happened.)

Nyala: What have I...? No... I could not have... 

(Ianne, Nyala's younger brother, rushes into the area, clearly looking terrified after witnessing Nyala's actions.)

Ianne: Nyala, what have you done?! You killed all of those people without remorse, including--!!

(Nyala looks over to where Ella and Phillip are collapsed on the ground, and her eyes go wide.)

Nyala: No... Mother... Father... 

Ianne: You should have known better than to be caught up in the powers that have been unused for centuries! What the hell were you thinking?! You... You're the reason that they're all dead!!

(Nyala stares at Ianne in shock for a moment before running away. Augustus, the final of the three siblings, appears beside Ianne.)

Ianne: Nyala, don't think you can--

Augustus: Let her go... We must clean up the pieces here first. We have a duty to the people of this city to restore the damage that she did. 

Ianne: She was taken over by the very dark power that she wanted so desperately to control... She knew what was going to happen! 

Augustus: Ianne, please--

Ianne: Don't you even think about telling me to handle this rationally! I can't stand you when you're like this!

Augustus: ... 

Ianne: Take over Nestra for all I care! Do what you find to be best for this nation! I don't give a damn about Nestra anymore! Nyala betrayed us all and killed the people who once cared for her so greatly! She deserves to die! 

Augustus: This is a lot to handle, but I don't think that you should give in and allow your anger to control you so easily. We can do this together. Please, just allow me to--

Ianne: I've had enough of your crap, Augustus! Do whatever you want, because I'm sick of it!

(Ianne runs off in the direction that Nyala disappeared from.)

Augustus: Ianne!! ...He'll be back... I'm sure of it. For now, I need to take care of the fallen here... Mother... Father... Please forgive me for allowing such to happen. I should have looked after my younger sister more. I suspect that you were only trying to stop her, and yet... I'm sorry. I understand how empty my words are now, but... I'm sorry. 

(The chapter ends as Augustus falls to his knees in despair over the death of his parents.)


I'm doing this a day late but sh it's okay


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