(HT) Endgame: Retainers

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(The scene opens with the group of five standing together in an arena within Castle Krakenburg. It acts as the training grounds for the palace. A crowd is situated around the outside of the arena in stands.)

Thalone: This is it... I should leave you to the fight for now. I'll see you all later.

Lilith: Goodbye, Thalone... 

Selena: This all happened so fast... But I guess we don't have any time for second thoughts now.

Laslow: We faced countless battles more trying than this one. It'll be no problem.

Odin: By the power of Odin Dark, we shall not fail!

Lilith: Look. That's the king.

Selena: He looks... Ominous.

Lilith: His name is King Garon. He's been ruling over Nohr for decades now. 

Laslow: Are those his children next to him?

Lilith: Yes. They should be, at least. In other words, those are the people we'll be fighting to be retainers for.

Garon: Greetings, competitors. Today, you will be fighting for a place as a guardian of the Nohrian royal children. The four victors will be stationed within the palace.

Odin: Four? The perfect number.

Lilith: In other words, there's no room for error.

Garon: It will not have fighting in rounds. Instead, all fighting will take place at once in a free-for-all fashion. You have twenty seconds before it begins.

Selena: We can't afford to mess up here. Stick together and be careful.

Laslow: I have faith in us. We can handle this.

Odin: No darkness can quench us!

Lilith: Alright... Here it goes...

Garon: Begin! 

(The battle begins. Your units begin stationed at one side of the large arena. It's a rout mission, but there are multiple enemy groups fighting against one another. If any of your units fall in fight, it is a forced restart.)

(After the battle, the four stand together victorious on the battlefield.)

Garon: It appears we have our winners.

Selena: Look at us, kicking all kinds of tail.

Laslow: I truly am impressed with our display.

Odin: None could ever defeat us!

Lilith: This is such a relief.

Garon: Children, pick who you want, and be quick about it. Xander, you first.

Xander: You! With the gray hair!

Laslow: M-Me? Oh, my...!

Xander: Come here. I'd like to meet you.

Camilla: Hm... The girl with red hair seems cute...

Selena: Cute...?

Leo: That mage... He seems... Special. 

Odin: Aha! I have caught the attention of a fine prince, it seems!

Garon: You! 

Lilith: Ah!

Garon: You will be sent to the Northern Fortress to look after the newest addition to the family, Corrin.

Lilith: Corrin... Could this be...?

Garon: Dismissed!

(As people begin to leave the stadium, Xander, Camilla, and Leo enter the arena.)

Xander: What is your name, young man?

Laslow: It's... Laslow. It's an honor to meet you, milord. 

Xander: You fight rather well... I'm impressed. 

Laslow: Thank you... 

Camilla: What a cutie you are... What's your name?

Selena: Selena. And yours?

Camilla: You haven't heard?

Selena: I'm... New around here.

Camilla: I see... I'm Camilla, and my brothers are Xander and Leo.

Leo: You're an odd one, you know.

Odin: Have you observed my special talent with the tome?

Leo: You could say that... Who are you?

Odin: Odin Dark is what you may call me!

Leo: Hm... Okay. Sure.

Lilith: Corrin... 

Camilla: Corrin is our younger sibling, dear. It's an honor that Father would choose you to stay with them.

Lilith: I see... Thank you for telling me.

Camilla: It's no issue at all. Now, come on, you four. It's time for us to go.

(Xander, Camilla, and Leo lead Laslow, Selena, and Odin away, but Lilith stays behind. Thalone enters the arena.)

Thalone: You should go on and check out your new job. It seems like we've found Cerulean sooner than expected.

Lilith: But what about you? You have to find a way inside, right?

Thalone: I will... I promise. This isn't the last we'll see of each other. I promise. 

(Lilith hesitates but ultimately walks away.)

Thalone: Cerulean... Here I come.


Soon after the quartet received jobs at the palace of Nohr, things began to change... Thalone's personality quickly grew darker. Now that he was close to Nohr, which was locked in war with Hoshido, he was consumed with rage and wanted revenge on the nation that started the war and the one that invaded his home to begin with.

Cerulean's true identity was discovered by the four to be Corrin, a kidnapped royal from Hoshido who arrived after their mother ran with them away from Valla. However, this information never found itself to Thalone. When he began to change, they agreed that his knowing would only make things worse, and the secret was kept always.

Laslow, Selena, Odin, and Lilith never spoke of their true purpose to anyone, but they dutifully served the royals without any objections, even when the war broke out... However, it would bring them to fight Thalone, causing much strife among what was once a close team...

Regardless of the choices that would be made, they had followed their hearts and done what they thought was right in preparation for the war to come...




And with that, Hidden Truths is finished! I'm going to take a break for a while since I have a lot to do these next few weeks and since I need to plan the next path (PS it's Heirs of Fate or whatever I decide to name it).

In the meantime, I hope you all enjoyed!


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