(HF) Chapter Twenty-Four: Strike

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(The chapter opens to show Kana, Kanaya, Shigure, and Lyci walking through the palace of Valla.)

Shigure: We're getting closer... I can feel it. Soon, we'll be at the point of no return. There won't be any going back once we make the final decision to step into the domain of Anankos. I want everyone here to be sure that this is what they want to do. It's not too late to back out or decide that it's too dangerous. I understand completely. 

Lyci: We're not going to back out now. We have too much at stake, and it would be pointless of us to leave now. There are a lot of people who are counting on us, and we can't just abandon them because times are getting a little bit tough for us. 

Kana: Yeah! We can handle this. We've gotten through too much to back down. Plus, he deserves to be fought after all that he's done to hurt everybody. He's had this coming for a long time, and we're going to have to show him what justice is truly made of!

Kanaya: It seems like we're all in agreement then, and I'm glad to hear it. I didn't want anybody to leave when we're so close to reaching our goal... Besides, if we don't get in there and kill Anankos once and for all, then who else is going to do it? We haven't run into any allies since Lyci's mother needed help, and that was ages ago. Nobody else is going to do this. 

Shigure: Well, if we're all in agreement, then I suppose all we can do is press onwards... 

Lyci: We still don't know what's going to happen when we kill Anankos. Anything could happen. The unleashed power of a god... It can do a lot of things, and it's impossible to predict what could come next. 

Kana: Shigure said that maybe it would reverse the flow of time to before all of this started... 

Kanaya: But that's only a theory. We don't have any solid evidence that it's going to turn out like that, and... If it does, we may never see each other again. 

Shigure: We don't know what impacts this could have on our memories or the timelines of war... Anything could happen when he dies, and there's no way to guess what it could do to us when we're there to see everything crumble. 

Kana: But... Aren't there those stone things? Maybe we can use the stones from the mines of Valla to remain in contact with each other!

Kanaya: Kana's right! If we can travel there to get a few stones, then maybe we would still be able to see each other after all this ended!

Lyci: Who knows if it will turn out like that? Only time will be able to tell, and we won't know until we're living it what could possibly come next. Until then, all we can do is power through and do what we have to in order to get rid of Anankos. 

Shigure: If there are no objections to pressing onward, then that's what we'll have to do. Come on. The rest of the fight awaits us. 

Kanaya: Ah... Would you look at that? It seems that he knew we would be coming his direction... 

Kana: Of course he did... I don't see any familiar faces among these soldiers, but it's still another time that we'll have to fight. 

Lyci: Another set of fighters? Of course... Just perfect. Let's go on and take care of them... Does that sound like a good plan, Shigure?

Shigure: I don't see any other options... If we want to find Anankos, we'll have to get rid of those who are defending him. With them in the way, we'll never reach him. 

Kana: I'm sure that we can take them on! We've gotten this far, haven't we? We'll be able to take it for a little while longer!

Lyci: I feel the same... I doubt that they're going to be holding back on us, but we can take them! 

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