(C) Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Empty King

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(The scene opens to show the Nohrian royals standing together outside the Hoshidan throne room)

Corrin: This is it... The war is almost over.

Xander: On the other side of that door...

Azura: He is no longer the man he once was. You surely know this.

Xander: I do... And yet, I still hesitate. He is our father at the end of the day.

Corrin: I used to be bound to the same ideals, but... The father I grew up hearing about would never have ordered mass destruction upon five nations. I know that he has changed, and for the sake of the future and the man he once was, it's my job to end it here and now.

Camilla: I agree. We're with you, Corrin.

Leo: Let's get in there.

Elise: No time to lose...!

(The royals burst into the throne room to see Garon sitting atop the Hoshidan throne. He has transformed into a monster seemingly made out of goo)

Xander: What in the...?!

Corrin: What?!

Leo: Father...

Azura: I don't understand...

Garon: You... You have betrayed me...!

Corrin: What of it?

Garon: My power... GRAAAAGH!

(Garon leaves the throne)

Camilla: Something is wrong...

Elise: I feel really sick all of a sudden...

Garon: Thalone... You traitor!!

Corrin: Thalone? But he's...

Leo: He's been gone for ages.

Azura: I may not comprehend what's going on here in its entirety, but I refuse to let this persist for any longer.

Xander: I must agree.

Leo: I'm sensing some negative energy coming from him... It feels unhuman.

Corrin: I feel the same way. Something has gone seriously wrong.

Camilla: I always found it odd how he went from a noble king to a degenerate fiend so quickly... Perhaps this is to blame.

Elise: I just want to make this all stop...!

Corrin: If you ask me, it's time to put it all to an end. For the glory of Nohr, we must prevail!

(The battle begins)

(Initiating combat with Garon)

Garon: My power may be leaving... But I won't use that as an excuse to lose now!

(Corrin initiates combat with Garon)

Corrin: I've thought you to be a monster for many months now... Who would have known I was right?

Garon: Quiet, pathetic child! I... I will not...

Corrin: ...Goodbye, Garon. May hell have a fine place for you.

(Xander initiates combat with Garon)

Xander: You truly have changed from the man you once were...

Garon: Quiet, whelp!

Xander: ...Let's end this quickly. I will not have a monster like you bringing shame to my father's true nature.

(Camilla initiates combat with Garon)

Camilla: Father... Ah, my apologies. You're not my father anymore, are you? You haven't been for a long time. Farewell, monster. Our game is coming to a close at long last.

(Leo initiates combat with Garon)

Leo: I know not what has taken you over in these recent times, but I will not let it persist. For the future!

(Elise initiates combat with Garon)

Elise: I never knew you to be kind in any form... I trusted my siblings' word on that, but I cannot ignore this anymore!

(Azura initiates combat with Garon)

Azura: You... You monster... Tell me, where are you from?

Garon: Th-Thalone... He...

Azura: Thalone...

Garon: The damn... Vallite...

Azura: Vallite?

Garon: ...

Azura: It appears I'll have to gather the rest of the answers on my own. For now, let's end this.

(Garon is defeated)

Garon: This is impossible... Impossible!!

(After the battle, the royals stand around Garon's body, which disappears in a flash of purple flame)

Corrin: Farewell... The war is over. We've won.

Xander: It is regrettable it had to end this way, but... I know we made the right decision.

Camilla: It doesn't lessen the pain though, does it?

Xander: I know of what he has done, but at the same time, it's hard to separate him from the man I grew to love as a child...

Leo: We did the right thing. That's what matters. Now, it's time to begin making peace with the other nations. We need to place new rulers in Mokushu, Notre Sagesse, and Cheve. Nestra is awaiting its lady. As for Hoshido—

Elise: Guys... We've got more trouble!

(An arrow flies across the screen, narrowly missing Corrin. The screen pans to Takumi, who is surrounded by the purple fire with blank eyes. Shortly afterwards, the screen goes black) 


I love cliffhangers


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