(C) Chapter Thirteen: End to Rebellion

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(The scene opens on Corrin, Camilla, Azura, and Elise standing together in Cheve )

Corrin: This is Cheve... Odd. There doesn't seem to be any fighting at the moment.

Camilla: Perhaps they've returned to their safe houses for the night. We should do the same. We'll be better prepared for tomorrow if we get some rest. I heard of an abandoned house nearby. Shall we head that way?

Corrin: Sounds great.

???: Hello, Corrin.

Corrin: Huh?!

(Takumi appears and shoots an arrow at Corrin. Scarlet is at his side)

Camilla: Corrin!

Scarlet: I knew you would try to put down the Chevois rebellion.

Takumi: Traitors seem to do best when it comes to harming the innocent. Isn't that right, Corrin? Think of your mother.

Corrin: ...

Takumi: She survived that attack, but barely. She did it for you. And yet, you still betrayed her and all of Hoshido. Mother is slowly losing her mind because of your treachery. What do you think of that?

Corrin: I...

Takumi: I've had enough of talking. This is making me sick. Scarlet and I won't stop until we free Cheve from Nohrian oppression. I plan to eliminate all who stand in our way. It's you against us. Isn't that what your pathetic king wants? For all of us to fight to the death?

Corrin: Please, try to see past your own hatred! I don't want to fight you! Please, let me talk to you—

(Takumi flashes purple briefly)

Takumi: Quiet! I've had enough of your lies to last a lifetime! I'm going to kill you and bring peace back to Hoshido! All troops, prepare for battle! Destroy the Nohrian army!

Corrin: Takumi!!

Takumi: I'll... I'll kill you all... If I kill the Norhians, surely the pain will go away...

(The battle begins)

(Visiting houses)

Child: You're from Nohr! Have you come to kill us? Huh? There's a battle going on. Okay, I'll lock up. Thanks for the warning. In fact, take this. It might come in handy.

Boy: You're with the Nohrian army, huh? You enforcing a new curfew or something? I'll just stay inside. I was about to hit the hay anyway. Take this and leave us alone.

Old Man: My family and I know fully well it's useless to fight against the Nohrian army... They're as ruthless as they come, killing the lord and lady all those years ago... Take this and be gone.

Girl: Visitors from the Nohrian army? Gods... What? You aren't going to attack us? I don't know... Here, just have this and go.

(Initiating combat against Orochi)

Orochi: You're afraid of my magic, aren't you? You should be.

(Corrin initiates combat with Orochi)

Orochi: Your mother hasn't been doing well lately, but I'm sure you already knew that.

Corrin: ...

Orochi : I'm not here to tell you about how broken she's been since you left. You're fully aware. Instead, I'm going to act in her place in the name of freedom!

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