(HF) Chapter Seventeen: Yugare's Lost

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(The chapter opens with Kana, Kanaya, Shigure, and Lyci walking next to Siegbert, Luna, and Owen. They are getting closer to the capital of Valla)

Shigure: We should be within the limits of the capital soon. 

Siegbert: I pray you're right... The sooner this conflict ends, the better. 

Kana: Do you guys... Sense that? It feels like something is wrong. 

Lyci: We've found ourselves in so much trouble lately that we can sense it. 

Kanaya: I suppose it was only a matter of time before we adapted like this... 

Owen: What do you think is coming? Is it another group of invisible soldiers?

Luna: What else could it be? We're getting closer to the capital, so we're bound to start coming up against the strongest members of this army Thalone has pulled together. 

Siegbert: Look. There are a lot of them on the horizon... They appear to be forming a defensive line to keep anyone from getting into the city. 

Luna: We'll have to take them out then. 

Shigure: There's no reason to linger here any longer then. Let's go and take care of them. 

Kana: I wonder who they're going to be... 

Kanaya: Probably nameless, faceless soldiers like every other time... 

(The group goes closer to the place where the invisible soldiers are located. The leader is a woman with blonde hair who looks oddly similar to Siegbert.)

Kanaya: It's weird... I can sense some sort of Dragon Vein power coming from them, but I thought that only royals were meant to have that power. 

Kana: I feel it too... About half of them have it... 

Shigure: The woman at the front... I think I recognize her from somewhere... 

Siegbert: She looks a lot like my father... Is that an odd comparison to make?

Lyci: Maybe they're connected somehow. I can't think of any other explanation. 

Owen: We don't have time to ask them for answers right now. Let's go on and take care of them. 

Luna: I feel the same. 

Siegbert: In that case, we battle!

(The battle starts. The map takes place in an open space similar to a town square. The objective is to rout the enemy. Half of the foes are older women while the other half are children with the Dragon Vein ability. The camera pans over to where the leader of the soldiers is standing.)

Katarina: In the name of Anankos, we must defeat them! We have no other options! 

Siegbert: Looking at her now, she does look rather familiar... 

Lyci: She looks like you, to be honest. Similar facial structure, same hair color, same eye color... 

Luna: There must be some explanation for this, but we can discuss it after the battle. After all, we have more important things to take care of at the moment. 

(If Siegbert initiates combat with Katarina, this dialogue plays out.)

Siegbert: Who are you? I don't understand. 

Katarina: Xander...? Xander, is that you? 

Siegbert: Xander? That's my father. 

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