(B) Chapter Six: In the White Light

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-Defend Hoshido

Is this the path you choose?


Corrin: Xander, withdraw your troops.

Xander: Corrin... Don't tell me you're siding with Hoshido.

Corrin: I'm afraid so. I've made up my mind. I stand with Hoshido.

Xander: I am well aware of your Hoshidan lineage. It is true that we lack common blood, but we've still treated you as kin since the day you arrived in Nohr. No matter what anyone says, you are my sibling. I know that Camilla, Leo, and Elise feel the same way. And Father will forgive you. I know it. You are of Nohr. Return to us, Corrin!

Corrin: I'm sorry. I can't go back. King Garon is a coward and a liar. I've witnessed enough of his destruction. He sent Faceless to invade a village full of people unable to defend themselves. He caused an explosion in a crowded city with no regard for innocent life. Those are the actions of a madman. Tell me. If King Garon thinks of me as family, how could he have orchestrated this attack? I could have easily been killed with all those innocent people. Queen Mikoto put her life at risk to save me. I was just a pawn. Collateral damage. King Garon was willing to sacrifice my life and many others in pursuit of his agenda. Face it, Xander. Garon is no longer human. He's pure evil. I will no longer be treated as inconsequential by the man who was meant to be my father.

Xander: I'm afraid... I don't have the answers you seek...

Corrin: Xander, please join me! Join us and help but an end to his cruelty!

Xander: I... Corrin...

Corrin: You can stop this. Please, if you just side with Hoshido...

Xander: I... I cannot. My loyalties lie with Nohr.

Corrin: Xander, you don't need to do this.

Ryoma: He's made up his mind. If that's his choice, then it's time for us to end this.

Corrin: Ryoma! Please, we can settle this peacefully.

Ryoma: What's wrong, Corrin? Lost your focus? Tossing your sword aside and dying as a martyr won't do us any good.

Xander: If you dare to take my little sibling from me, it's time for our fight to begin. Camilla, Leo, Elise! Are you ready?

Camilla: Darling, I was born ready. Let's clean this up quickly. We have some catching up to do with Corrin.

Leo: You're coming with us. That's all there is to it, Corrin. Understand?

Elise: Time to take Corrin back home!

Ryoma: Corrin has made their choice. All that remains is to end this war here. Hinoka, Takumi, Azura, Sakura! Steel yourselves!

Hinoka: They won't be taking you again.

Takumi: Nohrian scum...

Sakura: I-I'm ready...

(If Corrin is male)

Felicia: I made it! I had a feeling you'd be here, Lord Corrin. Is everything alright?

Corrin: Felicia? No, we're far from okay. Just come and join Hoshido. We need to end this invasion now.

Felicia: Join Hoshido? I don't understand, but I'm here at your side!

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