(R) Chapter Twenty-Three: Crimson and Silver

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(The chapter opens with Corrin, Azura, Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, and Sakura walking together through Valla.)

Corrin: I feel like we have to be getting closer... I mean, we've been traveling through Valla for days, and all the enemies have been coming from this direction. 

Hinoka: I'm sure there's something in this direction. There just has to be. 

Sakura: I hope you're right... I don't want us to have to change our course so late into our travels. There are people that need our help now. 

Azura: To be fair, I feel as if traveling through Valla feels much slower than anywhere else. 

Takumi: I agree. There aren't any notable landmarks. It's all empty land and destroyed buildings. 

Ryoma: This place truly is a shadow of its former self... There's barely anything left. 

Corrin: I'm sure that we'll come across Anankos when traces of civilization appear. 

Sakura: That would make sense... I doubt someone as grand as Anankos would operate out of a broken building. 

Takumi: He seems pretty damn bold, so there has to be something that survived the invasion around here that he's living in. 

Ryoma: All we can do is press on and pray that we encounter something soon. 

Azura: Patience will be our best friend. 

Hinoka: Even if we want nothing more than to charge ahead and just take care of everything... 

Corrin: Hold a moment. I feel like something is wrong... 

Sakura: What do you mean...? 

Takumi: I feel like I'm being watched. 

Hinoka: I feel it too... It's weird. 

Azura: Look around... There are Vallite soldiers here. 

Ryoma: It seems they were planning an ambush... 

Corrin: I don't know who your leader is, but I suggest that they come out as soon as possible! We'll attack if you don't comply!

???: This will end in a battle regardless... I know how this is bound to go. 

Ryoma: That voice...! It couldn't possibly be... 

(Ikona walks into view.)

Hinoka: Mother... 

Azura: This is... This is Lady Ikona of Hoshido, the previous queen... I've seen paintings of her in Shirasagi... 

Takumi: Anankos... You dastard...! 

Sakura: This can't be happening... 

Hinoka: Well... It is. Let's get ready and take care of things. 

Ryoma: I agree. She's counting on us to free her from this spell that she's fallen under, and I don't want to let her down. 

Takumi: I hate the idea of following through with this, but you're right. 

Sakura: Alright... I'll trust your judgement, everyone. 

Azura: I'll ready the rest of the troops, Corrin. 

Corrin: Thank you, Azura. There's not a moment for us to lose. I doubt this battle will be easy, so we must be prepared... No matter what happens. 

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