(HF) Chapter Three: On the Run

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(The scene opens to show the set of children from the previous chapter walking together on a road through Hoshido)

Asugi: It feels like we've been going for ages...

Shiro: It's been too long since we've had the chance to stop and rest.

Midori: We can't quit yet. We're getting closer... The sooner we get there, the sooner we'll be safe.

Caeldori: But it won't do us any good if we're exhausted upon arriving.

Tempest: We're about an hour short of the halfway point.

Galatea: This is taking a lot longer than I would have hoped...

Rhajat: The suspense is killing me.

Asugi: But we don't really have a choice on waiting or not. We'll find the answer when we're meant to.

Caeldori: You can't really be satisfied with that, Asugi...

Midori: Of course he isn't. None of us are.

Rhajat: But there isn't much we can do about it until we can find the help we need and get back there.

Shiro: If we're lucky, we won't have to deal with any other attacks.

Galatea: I wouldn't be so sure we'll wind up that lucky. 

Tempest: It seems like everywhere we look, we find areas crawling with those invisible soldiers.

Asugi: I wish we knew where they came from...

Caeldori: I've never heard of anything like them.

Rhajat: I've been studying dark magic all my life, and I've heard about nothing like those things.

Midori: Great... Just great.

Shiro: Stop. I hear something.

Galatea: I hear it too... It sounds like rustling.

Tempest: I see what you're talking about. Look.

(Tempest points to a small group of invisible soldiers standing nearby)

Rhajat: Great. We can't catch even a moment of rest, can we?

Asugi: Did you expect anything else? Hoshido is in a state of panic.

Midori: How did I get the feeling we would find them again...?

Caeldori: I think we all knew this was inevitable... We just didn't want to believe it would happen again.

Shiro: Regardless of if we were in denial or not, we can't just stand around here and wait for them to take us out.

Galatea: You've got that one right, Brother. If we stay still for much longer, they're going to attack, and we'll be at a serious disadvantage.

Tempest: In that case, we'll just have to defend ourselves.

Rhajat: I have a bad feeling about this.

Asugi: If these things want to be fierce, then they'll have us to contend with.

Midori: I didn't think our training was sufficient enough for one battle, much less multiple...

Shiro: Who cares about that right now? Hoshido is counting on us to find backup and take back the palace from those beasts.

Caeldori: Shiro is right. We'll have to hide our fear for now and fight on in spite of it.

Galatea: Is everybody ready?

Tempest: It's not like we have a choice... To arms, everyone!

(The battle begins. The map is set on a road in Hoshido. Invisible soldiers are scattered about. The objective is to rout the enemy. The map is set up in a way that makes it appear similar to the map from Chapter One, another battle set on a road far from civilization in Hoshido.)

(After the battle, the seven stand together once again)

Galatea: I'm glad that's over and done with... 

Shiro: Same here... Wait. Do you guys hear that?

Rhajat: Is it those invisible things again? I'm sick of dealing with them already.

Asugi: No, it's not... It sounds like talking.

Tempest: Is it just me, or do those voices sound oddly familiar...?

Midori: Oh, they surely do... If you ask me, they seem like...

Caeldori: They seem like the children of the people we're trying to find!

Shiro: And if the other kids are here, that must mean that their parents are as well!

Tempest: We can't get ahead of ourselves. What if something bad happened to their parents as well? That would leave them alone just like us.

Caeldori: We don't have any other options at this point... We have to find them and see what's going on.

Asugi: I'm with Caeldori on this one. We don't have another choice, so we might as well take this opportunity head on and roll with it.

Rhajat: It's better than being attacked by those invisible monsters again...

Midori: A little optimism is just what the healer ordered for us all anyways.

Tempest: Alright... I'll trust your judgement on this.

Shiro: Let's try to avoid being too loud in case there are more of those soldiers lurking around though.

Caeldori: Good idea. We don't want them to spot us.

Rhajat: Why are we still standing around here talking? 

Asugi: If they're nearby, the end of this conflict could be close too, so why wait?

Midori: I agree. Come on! Let's wake up from this nightmare at long last!


Oh Midori if only it was that easy


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