(HF) Chapter Twenty-Seven: Anankos' Last Stand

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(At the start of the chapter, Shigure, Kana, Kanaya, and Lyci stand outside a large set of doors.)

Kana: This is it... The throne room. I can't believe we're finally here. 

Kanaya: It took a long time for us to get here, but... It's all about to end. 

Shigure: If I had to guess, I would say that he's on the other side of this door. We have to be ready for this... I know that everyone has already sealed their dedication to the cause, and I'm thankful for such, but... Do your best to be careful from here on out. We're making the future here today, and we can't afford to slip up now. 

Lyci: We'll be fine, Shigure. You worry too much. Everything will be alright. Now, how about we see what's on the other side of the door? If he is there, standing around and talking won't do anything to help us out. 

Shigure: You're right... We don't have time to waste, so we might as well get it over with... No matter what happens, I want you all to know that I'm proud of all that you have done leading up to this point. That fact will never change. 

Kana: You don't need to worry, Shigure. We're going to be alright. I'm not going to let Anankos get us down now when we've come so far!

Kanaya: Me neither... Okay. I'm opening the doors. 

(Kanaya opens the doors to the throne room. On the other side, a large number of invisible soldiers can be seen. They are of varying classes, and there are more of them on the battlefield this time than there ever have been in a previous fight.)

Lyci: Wow... That's a lot of soldiers. 

Shigure: Even if there are a lot of them, I think that we can do this! 

Kanaya: Look over there! 

(Kanaya points to the far side of the battlefield. Two copies of Corrin and Azura can be seen at the other side of the area.)

Kana: I guess we're going to have to defeat them before we can call this fight ended... 

Lyci: They're fighting alongside Thalone himself. Maybe we can wipe everyone here out in one fight without any further need for concern. 

Kanaya: I hope that's the case... I don't want this fighting to last for any longer than it already has. 

Kana: We can do this... I'm sure of it! 

Shigure: Be careful, everyone! This could be our last fight! Stay on guard, and don't let them get to you! 

(The battle begins. The map is scattered with enemies of many classes, and there are massive numbers of foes. At the far side of the map, there are four characters of note. In the center is Thalone. To his right is a Hoshidan Noble Corrin, and a copy of Azura is to the side of them. On Thalone's right is a Nohrian Noble Corrin accompanied by a Corrin. The objective is to rout the enemy before defeating Thalone. A barrier is around Thalone at the start of the fight.)

Shigure: There's a dome of magic around Thalone... 

Lyci: If I had to guess, I would say that we need to defeat as many of his allies as possible in order to get that dome to go away. We can deal with it again after most of his fellow fighters have been taken care of. 

Kana: In that case, we'll have to deal with him last... But we can do that! 

Kanaya: Everything will be fine! 

(If Thalone is attacked before the dome of magic is cleared, all attacks will do no damage, and this dialogue will play out.)

Shigure: It's no use! Leave Thalone be until we've taken care of the rest of his allies! We don't have any other options! 

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