(B) Chapter Sixteen: Conflict in Cheve

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(The scene is the party's boat, which is parked in a Chevois port. Corrin, Azura, Hinoka, Takumi, and Sakura all stand on the deck)

Corrin: Here we are... Cheve.

Azura: This is where Ryoma should be. He's been helping the rebellion here all this time, yes?

Hinoka: Yes. He received a letter from the leader of the rebellion here, so he came to help them out in hopes we'd gain troops to push back Nohr.

Sakura: We haven't heard from him since he left... I do hope he's okay...

Azura: He's the strongest man in all of Hoshido. I'm sure he's alright.

(The scene transitions to the party walking in Cheve. They are all wearing capes and hoods to disguise their features now)

Corrin: I didn't realize the Nohrian occupation force here was so strong...

Takumi: Cheve has been under Nohrian rule for many years. The Nohrians treat them like scum. Killings in the streets are common. The stench of blood here is everywhere.

Hinoka: The letter from the rebellion leader stated that there's a safe house somewhere in the capital area. I wonder where it could be... All I see are Nohrian soldiers and terrified citizens.

Sakura: I'm surprised we got inside without an issue... The Nohrian soldiers luckily weren't at the port where we docked...

Corrin: Let's just look around for now. We need to act natural until we find Ryoma. We don't stand a chance against all of the Nohrians as it is. I can count three dozen in this square alone.

Sakura: I think I see a general over there... We need to steer clear...

Corrin: Wait... That's no regular general... Camilla?

Camilla: Corrin!

Takumi: Great. As if we weren't in trouble enough already.

Azura: Camilla...

Camilla: I'm glad to see you, my dear, sweet Corrin...

Corrin: What are you doing here?

Camilla: We heard rumors of a Hoshidan prince in Cheve. Father sent me to investigate.

Corrin: Gods...

Camilla: I wish it didn't have to be this way, but this is the only punishment for a traitor to the crown.

Corrin: It doesn't have to end like this! You can join me in finding the true path to peace! We'll accept you with open arms, Camilla. I don't want to fight you.

Camilla: I cannot do that... I wish I could take you back with me. I've loved you since the moment we met. I can't believe you would really leave your true family!

Hinoka: I guess she's still bitter you left Nohr...

Camilla: Alongside my darling retainers, I'll drag you back to Nohr, back to your one true home!

(The battle begins. The map is in Cheve. Your forces are stationed at the bottom of your map. To win the chapter, you need to rout the enemy and seize the building she's standing in front of at the top of the map.)

(Camilla is fought in battle)

Camilla: I'll not forgive you for taking my sweet Corrin away!

Fire Emblem Fates RewriteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora