(R) Chapter Nineteen: Reversed Revenge

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(The chapter opens with the player's units already placed on the battlefield. It isn't until after the battle is officially started that dialogue begins. The chapter is on the same map as the previous chapter, though this time, the objective is to get rid of Iago, who waits in the same area that Hans was in before.)

(When the battle begins properly, the following dialogue plays out.)

Hinoka: Hang on... Is that who I think it is?! 

Iago: Red hair, hm? I believe that we have met before... And you have to return something to me. Where is the knife I left back in Hoshido? I get the feeling that you still have it. 

Hinoka: I knew it... You're the one who killed my mother, and more recently, our stepmother. 

Iago: It's good to see that you still remember... But there's one other thing I did... Do you remember this scar on my arm? 

Hinoka: N-No way... You were there when Corrin was kidnapped too?!

Iago: I stabbed your father, and you hit me with an arrow out of anger... You made a mistake by lashing out at me, and now, you will pay for that misstep with your life! 

Hinoka: You aren't going to get away with this! I'm going to get rid of you here and now! 

(If Corrin initiates combat with Iago, the following dialogue plays out.)

Corrin: Iago, you're nothing short of a monster. I don't know how you can stand to live with yourself after all that you've done. 

Iago: You're a fool if you believe that you can understand my motivations for what I do. 

Corrin: I'm not going to waste my time trying to understand someone like you. I'm simply going to shove my blade directly between your eyes and spare myself the time! 

(If Azura initiates combat with Iago, the following dialogue plays out.)

Azura: You killed her... Lady Mikoto is dead because of you. 

Iago: Good to know that you can keep up. 

Azura: Your crimes will never be forgiven. I'll send you to hell here and now for what you have done. 

(If Ryoma initiates combat with Iago, the following dialogue plays out.)

Ryoma: Killing our birth mother and father was not enough for you, was it? You had to take it a step further and kill the other person we called family as well. 

Iago: In the name of Nohr, I did what I had to. It was all required for the sake of my country's future. 

Ryoma: In that case, I'll get rid of you for the sake of my country's future! 

(If Hinoka initiates combat with Iago, the following dialogue plays out.)

Hinoka: You've really held onto this grudge for years, haven't you? 

Iago: You did the same for me, so I don't think that you really have room to judge my actions. 

Hinoka: You're a scoundrel and a murderer... I hope you've made your peace with the living world, because you're not going to be seeing it again once I'm done with you!

(If Takumi initiates combat with Iago, the following dialogue plays out.)

Takumi: You don't know what you've done, huh? You've ruined so many lives for your own selfish intentions. 

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