(B) Endgame: Dawn Breaks

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(Corrin's party stands at the top of the throne room where the previous chapter ended. King Garon enters from the bottom and slowly makes his way towards the top of the room)

Corrin: King Garon! 

Garon: I would have expected you to die by this point... Have you ever realized how much of an irritation you are, Corrin?

Corrin: I'm doing what I have to so that Nohr may be freed from your tyranny! You've caused enough harm!

Garon: You sound rather confident for a pathetic waste of space. I don't know why I took you in all those years ago. It clearly had no point.

Ryoma: Took them in?

Hinoka: You were holding them hostage!

Takumi: Somehow, I doubt he cares much for the details.

Garon: I'm finished with all of you. It's time for you to die. Camilla! Leo! Fight for your king!

Leo: Do you really think we'd do that?

Camilla: You killed Xander! Your manipulation forced him to murder Elise in cold blood!

Garon: They were both weak. One never fought and the other was about to surrender to the enemy. None in Nohr ever surrender. We are a nation of strength. We cannot maintain that reputation if we allow people like them into the royal family.

Camilla: You're sick!

Leo: I don't understand how we stood by you for so long. You've clearly gone mad.

Garon: You dare to stand up to your father? To your king? You will pay the price of treachery with your life!

Corrin: You're the only one who's going to be paying with his life! We're not going to let you get away with this!

Garon: Hmph... If you're insisting on putting up a fight like this, I'll be forced to show my full power.

(Garon raises his axe, but he is cut off when Azura begins to sing)

Garon: You... What are you doing?!

Corrin: His corruption! That's right! Azura's song exposed it back at the opera house!

Garon: You... You will not....

(Garon changes shape and becomes a monster seemingly made of slime)

Sakura: Wh-What is that?!

Hinoka: King Garon's true form...

Takumi: It looks like he's been messing with dark magic of some sort.

Ryoma: I don't know what unholy power made him into this monster, but we cannot let him live. Warriors of Hoshido! The time is now!

Camilla: This is for what you did to Xander and Elise!

Leo: You were never our true father. Now, it's time for you to pay for everything you've done.

(The battle begins. The objective is to defeat Garon, who is positioned at the bottom of the map. The soldiers on the enemy side are all invisible fighters)

(Garon is fought in battle)

Garon: You will perish under the boundless power of the Midnight Dragon! You chose this path, and now, you will pay for it!

(Corrin initiates combat with Garon)

Garon: I should have killed you when I had the chance... Back when you were a child... 

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