(HF) Chapter Twenty-Five: Children of Akiri

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(The scene opens to show Kana, Kanaya, Shigure, Shiro, Tempest, Kiragi, Sumiko, and Galatea together.)

Shigure: Given how long we've been moving through the palace, I would say that we're nearing the throne room. Once we arrive there, we should encounter Thalone. He's been avoiding us up to this point, but I somehow get the feeling that he's going to stop holding back as soon as we're forced to face him in person. 

Kana: I'm sure we'll be ready for it. We've come way too far to back down now in my opinion. 

Kanaya: I feel the same way... I wonder what it'll be like to fight him though. He's been responsible for so much suffering... It's almost weird to think about. 

Galatea: Regardless of how you want to think about it, we're going to have to stop him somehow. He's going to have to deal with all of us whether he likes it or not. 

Sumiko: I must admit... I'm a bit worried. We still haven't run into our parents yet. Doesn't that strike you as odd? 

Kiragi: Maybe he's planning for us to run into them soon... Given how close we are to the throne room, I doubt it'll be much longer at this point. The war is getting closer to over with each step we take. 

Tempest: As much as I hate to say it, as far as I can tell, it appears that we're going to be seeing them sooner rather than later... 

Shiro: What are you talking about? 

(The screen pans over to show the Hoshidan royals standing together among a large group of invisible soldiers.)

Shigure: Damn... I had a feeling that we had gone too long without running into trouble... It seems that the time has come for us to go on and confront the royals that we've somehow been able to avoid up to this point. 

Sumiko: I hate the idea of needing to fight against them, but... We have to free them from the influence of Thalone. It's the least that we can do for them now that they've all been possessed. 

Kiragi: If he wants to use our loved ones against us, then we're going to have to take them out and show him that he can't stop us! We've already done it with others, but that doesn't mean we can't repeat the process a few times more!

Tempest: Prepare yourselves, everyone... These are the most powerful soldiers from Hoshido. They ended the war against Nohr years ago, and I doubt that they're going to be holding back against us now. 

Galatea: They couldn't even if they wanted to in this state, but that just means that we'll have to fight harder than we ever have before. They would want that for us, and who are we to disobey the wishes of the people who did so much for us?

Shiro: I'm glad that we're all on the same page. Now... How about we go on and show them, and Thalone, for that matter, what we're made of? We've spent enough time waiting to free them from his control, and it's about time that we got him off their backs. 

Kana: I don't see... N-Never mind... Let's take care of this for now!

Kanaya: I agree! We have this all under control, so let's do it! 

(The battle begins. The primary objective is to defeat the many bosses throughout the map while making for the exit at the top of the map. Enemies respawn rather often, and all of them are in Hoshidan classes.)

(If Shiro initiates combat with Ryoma, this dialogue plays out.)

Shiro: I always talked about how I was going to beat you one day... When I said that, I was talking about a sparring match, you know?

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