(AF) Chapter Eleven: Mokushu

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Years have passed since the formation of Nestra, but Hoshido is nowhere near as stable as it once was. The nation has fallen into political turmoil as a result of bickering amongst the nobles in the upper class, and the common people are beginning to find the government weak and ineffective. A group of fighters in the southern region of Hoshido are growing angry with their lack of activity, and they will form a new country regardless of if the rest of the continent approves.

(The chapter opens on Kousei, a ninja of Mokushu, walking through the capital of the soon-to-be nation. He is clearly frowning.)

Kousei: The people have spoken, and I will be more than happy to grant their request regardless of how Hoshido feels as a whole. 

(The gameplay segment of the chapter begins. The objective is to get Kousei to the other end of the capital area where many of his people are waiting for him. When such has been accomplished, the following dialogue plays out.)

Kousei: It's good to see you all gathered here as I requested. I believe that we all know what this meeting us about, so we shouldn't waste a moment with pleasantries before getting right into business. 

(Kousei clears his throat.)

Kousei: Hoshido has grown weak. The government is far from being the juggernaut that it has the potential to be, and its military has grown smaller over the years. How can they expect to maintain a sense of strength in this pathetic condition? They don't know what they're thinking, and I believe that we are far more suited to take over the nation. Still, why should we bother with a coup when we can take more than enough power for ourselves? If Hoshido isn't going to stand up for itself, then we'll take advantage of that and simply claim the strength that we need to form our own nation. 

(The crowd claps in response, but Kousei holds up a hand to silence them.)

Kousei: Hoshido's military is weak, and if they think that they stand even a fraction of a chance against us, we'll simply have to prove them wrong. The ninja of the Mokushu region have been strong for generations, and they should know better than to cross us. We have served in the military of Hoshido for many years now, so the royal family is fully aware of the strength that we possess. They won't fight back, and if they try, we'll simply have to prove to them how awful an idea that truly is. 

(Kousei lets out a laugh.)

Kousei: I will be sending a request to Hoshido as soon as I am finished speaking to you all here. If they even think of daring to stand up to us, we'll simply charge into the capital and make sure that Hoshido understands how serious we are. Even if we're small in number, we will be more than able to overtake Hoshido's pathetic excuse of an army. They won't stand a chance against the unrestrained might of the ninjas of Mokushu. 

(The crowd lets out a roar of agreement.)

Kousei: They can give us some of their land, or they can give us all of it. At the end of the day, it's their choice, but we will not be ignored. The revolution for Mokushu begins now, and we won't be backing down until we've been given what we ask for! Don't you all agree with me?!

(The crowd explodes into cheers once again.)

Kousei: Good! It won't be long now, my fellow countrymen! We will become our own people, and there is nothing that Hoshido can do about it!

(The people continue to applaud and cheer as the chapter ends. Kousei leaves the area with a prideful smile on his face as he plans to set his plot into motion.)


Fun fact: I named the first leader of Mokushu Kousei as a reference to the Digimon Frontier story I'm working on right now. Kousei is the name of a major character's father, and he's low key the worst, so I'm making fun of him here. Woohoo! 


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