Chapter 46

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Dia's POV

"Who do you like?" the words rang around the room. I wanted to swear very badly but...

BUT AUTHOR-KUN DOESN'T SWEAR IN BOOKS, anyways back to the story...

Mari would pull something like this. She deceives everyone with that smile of hers. Then I got an idea, she wanted the truth? I'll give her the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

"All of you guys." I answered. "I like hanging out with you guys."

The eight were shocked that I managed to find a loophole. 

Mari just nodded, but I could see a look of defeat on her face. I had successfully defended myself. 

The next number, was ten. 

"Finally!" Shizuko smiled, "Alright Kanan, truth or dare?" 

"Why me?" she said surprised.

"I still haven't gotten you back..." He grinned evilly.

"Fine, anything you can think of won't scare me," she challenged, "dare."

"I dare you to go to the city go to the top floor of the tallest building and look down." 

That was pure evil. Everyone knew how afraid Kanan was of two things, the dark and heights. 

"Can I have truth?" her tone changed really quickly, you could sense the fear in her voice.

"Nope. Oh also I heard there are these glass windows on the top that you can actually go over the street, yeah you need to lay face down to the ground." 

The color on Kanan's face drained, she was absolutely petrified, "Please no," she begged, "please, please, please... think of something else... please!" 

You had to feel sorry for her, she was absolutely scared, and Shizuko showed no mercy. 

We all hopped into Mari's van, Kanan tried to escape a total of five times. We eventually had to put her in the back seat held back by You and Chika. 

"After this I will murder you!" she glared.

"Yeah, yeah, it's just a game, cheer up..." he smiled innocently.

We finally arrived at the tower, or I guess building. It was pretty tall, but not tall enough that you couldn't see the street, which was Kanan's fear.

We climbed the elevator all the way up, Mari holding Kanan the entire time. Arriving at the very top of the building, Mari let Kanan go. 

Terrified, Kanan walked towards the box made of glass. Seeing the cars moving beneath her, the people walking, she stood on the glass.

"If you think about it, it's like conquering your fears." Shizuko said positively.

"You're lucky I don't throw you out of this window right now!" Kanan hissed. 

He put his hands up defensively, "Am I gonna die after this?" he whispered to me.

"You put this on yourself," I responded.

Kanan finally went face to the ground on the glass box thing.

The deal we decided in the car was one minute looking down. She was doing well aside from the fact that she was hyperventilating. 

As soon as the timer hit zero, she was already running towards the elevator, wanting to get back on solid ground.

On the ride back she said absolutely nothing, scarred by her experience up there. This was supposed to help her with her fear of heights, but all it did was terrify her even more.

Love Live!! If Three's A Crowd, Nine's A Multitude!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt