Chapter 25

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"P-please! I can't take two days back to back!" I begged. It was currently the day after You took me to the Aquarium. And Riko was trying to drag me out of the door. 

"Sucks to suck, you didn't complain with your girlfriend You!" she reminded me, 

"That's because I had all week to mentally prepare!" I protested.

"Well you had last night, that's good enough... come on!" she managed to pull me outside.

Dang it, I failed... she was able to bring me outside of the house. There was no turning back now.

"Also," she added, "you never denied that You was your girlfriend!" she eyed me suspiciously.

"Of course she's not my girlfriend..." I answered.

"Ah, so it's Chika-chan?" she laughed.

"Just shut up already," I said trying to change the subject, "where are we going?" 

She raised an eyebrow, "Changing the subject are we?"


"Fine, fine, fine," she said holding her hands up, "jeez, no need to be so protective over your girlfriends... we're going somewhere that I've been wanting to go for a while."

We boarded a bus and took off towards the big city. Which You and I should've done, but instead we took the boat like idiots...

"Which is?" I questioned when our hour and a half bus ride finished.

"There!" she pointed, 

"That's a freaking manga store..." I shook my head. "Are you going to get the new Yuri manga?"

"Well as a matter of fact..." she started.

"Wait, you're serious?!" 

"Relax, I'll get other things too..." she smiled as she walked in.

"Oh god..." I sighed.

I hope she wasn't expecting me to pay for her things. Especially because I was looking for some things as well...

I was going through the slice of life section of manga when something caught my eye...

I was going through the slice of life section of manga when something caught my eye

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A/N: Volume 14 of this manga is the final volume, it has the honey moon of Fuutarou and girl he chooses... also there's a bunch of bonus comics... yes I read it already and I read it illegally...

I eagerly grabbed the manga from the shelf and leafed through it a little. Oh hell yes I'm buying this... It's the only one I'm missing, I have everything else. And although best girl did not win I'm totally okay with that...

Riko looked over to see what I was holding, "Oh yeah, Nino is best girl..."

I turned my head very slowly... "What the hell did you just say?" 

"Duh, Nino is best girl..." she said once again.

"LORD HELP ME OR I WILL STRANGLE YOU TO DEATH!!!" I yelled, people were looking at me.

Riko shrugged her shoulders, "If you're a Miku stan, you're just a bandwagon..." 

"SAME GOES IF YOU'RE A NINO STAN!!!" I responded, god I'm about to go insane.

"How?!" she yelled back.

"You're only a Nino person because of the motorcycle ride!" I said accusingly.

"You're only a Miku person because of the pouts!" she shot back.

"Miku's chest is bigger!" 

"If you knew anything it's actually Yotsuba's chest that's the biggest!" she said.

"I bet you took a measuring tape and measured it!"

"So what if I did?" she asked. Well I really didn't have anything to say to that, other than...

"It's just weird!" I told her.

Yeah I bought the manga, we got kicked out for yelling too much, luckily we were able to buy our things. She had plenty of Yuri manga's, including Sakura Trick which not gonna lie, I wanted to read too.

"So what should we do now after you got us kicked from the store?" I asked her.

"I didn't get us kicked out, you were yelling about how a two dimensional girl's chest is bigger!" she countered.

Dang it, she got me there...

"Where should we go? You planned this didn't you?" 

"Relax, we're already going in the right direction." she said pointing ahead, "We're going there!" 

There was a small little park, a fountain, a piano, and some benches...

"What are we doing here?" 

"You said you were tired didn't you?" she reminded me. "Come on sit down..." 

"Oh, I thought we were going to an anime store next..." I sat down next to her.

"I think you'll be doing that with Ruby..." she laughed.

"Good god, well I mean at least Ruby isn't as bad as you second years..." I relaxed.

"Yeah yeah, we get that you love us too..." she smiled.

"Nah I think it's the complete opposite." I told her.

"If you say so." she got up.

"Where are you going?" 

She walked over to the piano, come to think of it, I'd never heard Riko play. Apparently she was good if Chika and You said so. 

She opened the piano and sat down. When she touched the first note, my goodness it sounded really good. She began playing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" but it was the version that you could also play "What a Wonderful World" so I walked over and also sat down. 

She played the melody and I played the left hand. We didn't even notice there were people watching us. It actually sounded decent, though it was obvious Riko played better than me. 

When we finished the song, people started clapping around us. 

We also heard a few, "They look so cute together," and some, "What a nice looking couple,"

Then one old guy yelled out, "When's the wedding?" 

Well this was indeed awkward... I looked over at Riko but she was looking at her phone. 

"Shoot, it's three o'clock, we got to get back, you remember what today is?" she asked.

"No?" I said very confused.

"We're supposed to watch a movie with everyone outside!" she panicked and grabbed my arm. "Let's go!" 

"It's only three o'clock..." I said a little confused.

"Ugh, you're an idiot..." she sighed, "MARI SAID TO BE HOME AT FOUR THIRTY!" 

"Yeah," I said, "And it's only three o'clock..."


"Ah..." there we go, it finally hit me why we were in such a panic.

Well three were down, now there was only six remaining. Only a third of the way done, but you know what... I'm not really complaining.

Okay everyone as promised here's today's chapter! Thanks for reading! Hope you all liked it! Also next chapter will drop most likely Wednesday! 

This is Kazuya saying good morning/night/afternoon wherever you may be!

It's good morning for me...

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