Bonus Chapter!

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My mom told me a story when I was four years old. It was about a forest that connected lives together. A place where different universes coexisted.

But it would only work if the person believed it could. 

You see there's an old urban legend that different choices would lead to different outcomes. Whenever you choice you selected, an alternate version of yourself would also pick the option or options. 

Don't quite understand? 

Let's say for example I was choosing between a mikan and a banana. If I were to pick the mikan, then according to legend another version of me in a different universe would pick banana.

A whole different reality from the one I live right now. Although, I don't need to live in another reality. I have my girlfriend, I have a good job, I have everything I could ever want!

But what if I didn't actually have all of that?

You see, the legend only occurs when there are significant changes you can pick. So the banana and mikan example doesn't count.

The main character in that story proceeded to enter the forest believing his Grandma's words of wisdom. They were stunned to see that his friends from those alternate universes were different in some ways. 

Some had a certain hair style, others were more muscular. Showing the changes that his alternative self had achieved.

But did you know I too found that forest?

A place where you can see the choices you made in an alternative universe under the cherry blossoms in the spring. 

I was just taking a jog through a part I wasn't familiar with. I spotted a beautiful forest of cherry blossoms that seemed to never end.

The further I ran through the bigger the place seemed to get. Until I spotted a figure sitting on the bench. 

"Shizuko!" Chika called.

"Uh... Chika what are you doing here?"

"Isn't this where we said to meet for our date?"

I paused, a little taken aback. "Wait, you and I are dating?"

She pouted, "Haha, very funny." 

Another person tapped me on the shoulder, "There you are!" You grinned.

"What's going on?" I said confused.

"Aren't ya happy to see your girlfriend?" she winked.

"Girlfriend?" Chika raised an eyebrow, "I'm his girlfriend."

"You're both wrong," Riko interrupted, "You see it's me."

"Let's let Shizuko decide!" 

"Um, eh... what the heck is going on?" I tilted my head to the side. "Uh... give me a sec." I walked about a hundred feet from the group.

I heard a little bit of conversation from the others, "I thought you guys said you were busy?"

"No you guys said you were busy, I already told you it was my date with Shizuko."

"Nope, I texted you all in the group chat that I was meeting Shizuko right here." Riko held out her phone.

"That's weird, I didn't get that..." You checked again.

"Yeah, me too..." 

I walked a little further, now the third years showed up.

"Oi Shizuko! You're late!" Kanan yelled at me. "It's impolite to keep your girlfriend waiting!"

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