Chapter 27

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W-What? What time is it? I groaned as I looked over at my phone.

Nine o'clock, interesting. I don't think I'd ever wake up this early on a weekend unless something was happening...

I yawned, then stood up. I casually went to the bathroom to wash my face. When the cold water splashed on my eyes that's when I realized.


It was Saturday. Which means for your boy it was another date. NOT IN A ROMANTIC WAY! Let's make that very clear. And today was Ruby. 

See I say not in a romantic way because one, there are no feelings between Ruby and I, and two, I'm afraid that I'm going to be arrested for liking a Loli.

I stretched a little bit as I walked down the stairs. My parents weren't home, big shock considering their work was always in the city, so that meant I had to just lock the door and head out.

Ruby was also just leaving her house. 

So as these things usually go, I ask, "Where are we going?" 

She raised a piece of paper in the air, "I printed the directions so we  wouldn't get lost!" 

I nodded, "Ah smart... as expected from someone who skipped about six grades to be in high school at the age of eight."

"I'm not eight! I'm fourteen!" she protested. "I'm turning fifteen soon!"

"Yeah, yeah, and I'm a good student... we all have wishes Ruby. Lucky for you, you only have to wait six years for your dream to come true. I, unfortunately will never have my dream come true." I told her.

"Ha! Ruby thought you would say something like that! But I have my birth certificate!" she pulled out another piece of paper. God dang... she really did bring her birth certificate.

Was I backed into a corner now? She smiled as though she won, "Can you see it?" she asked.

I laughed... 

"Sorry," I said, "I CAN'T READ!" I yelled before grabbing her directions and taking off.

"Hey!" she said behind me. "You already passed where we're going!"

Wait what? But the directions say another block... And our destinations on our left... 

I looked to my left, "Holy mother of lollipops..."

She really brought me to a lollipop factory... WHY THE HELL IS THERE A LOLLIPOP FACTORY IN OUR TOWN?!

Okay I didn't even know our town had a library and somehow there's a freaking lollipop factory?!

Oh right but they can't clean up the lake so we can swim?

Not that I wanted to anyways, it was getting pretty cold. I was wearing just a sweatshirt and sweatpants...

"So what are we doing here?" I asked as I, unfortunately, paid for the tickets in. Jesus I'm becoming broke because of these guys. Looks like I got to start finding a job.

"Obviously here to see how lollipops are made!" she said excitedly.

"Don't they just put some sort of sugary mix in a container, and let it harden?" I said very confused.

"Ruby didn't know that!" she pouted, "Next time you can choose!"

"Next time?"

She paused, "I mean if I want there to be I next time!"

"Whatever you say..." I said shaking my head.

The factory itself was more like a museum. True they were still making lollipops there, but there was a huge history on how lollipops started. 

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