Chapter 1

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High school isn't easy, but I already knew that coming in. I was entering my 2nd year of high school after barely surviving exams last year.

I wasn't a part of the popular guys, but I also wasn't some loner. I had friends and kept up decent grades.

But there was something missing, I thought as I arrived in school.

Two weeks had already gone by in the school year and we had passed the "settling in" phase.

I tried to explain my feelings to my friend, "It feels like there's no excitement! No plot twists or anything!"

He rolled his eyes, "Duh, this isn't an anime..."

Which was true, I wasn't some fictional 2d character. There would be no "plot twists" just a regular high school life.

At least that's what I thought...

"Please report to the office immediately!" The announcement rang over the loudspeakers as they called my name.

I sighed, there was the plot twist I didn't need.

I trudged into the office with my backpack. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked the secretary.

"The only thing you did wrong was take the long way." She responded, pointing at the security cameras. "The principal will see you now."

I made my way into the office, the secretary didn't say it was bad, but she didn't say it was good either.

I opened the door to see the principal sitting in his chair smiling.

"Hi, sorry to call you here." He said, "There's something I want to ask you, we have some transfer students coming in this year and we looked at your schedule and theirs, it appears you guys have most of the same classes."

"So you want me to show them around?" I asked.

"Pretty much, can you do it for me?"

"Yeah, why not?" I responded.

"Great!" He motioned behind me, "Bring them in!"

I turned around in shock at how many their were. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine!

"Okay introduce yourselves!"

A girl with orange hair spoke first "My name is Chika Takami! I'm a second year, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Next came a girl with a mix of silver and brown hair. "You Watanabe is my name! Second year in high school!" She saluted.

Next there was a red haired girl who looked more serious than the first two. "My name is Riko Sakurachi, I'm a second year." She smiled, she seemed the most respectful so far.

"Hi, I'm Hanamaru Kunikida! Hope we can be friends!" She was the shortest one.

The next girl was a shy one, you didn't need a genius to figure it out. She also looked young for some reason...

"M-my name is Ruby Kurosawa, I'm a first year," she bowed, "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

And the other one... well that was a hard character to describe to say the least.

"Hehehe, I am the fallen angel! Call me Yohane you meer mortal!" And then posed.

"Her name is Yoshiko, zura..." the girl named Hanamaru said.

"Mari Ohara is my name and I like everything SHINY!!!" Said the cheery blonde girl.

"Jeez Mari, calm down..." said a girl with blue hair. "Kanan Matsuura, ignore her she's pretty annoying..."

The last one introduced themselves, "I'm Dia Kurosawa, the older sister of Ruby... it's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled.

This was gonna get confusing real quick...

The principal nodded his head, "Well get right to it! I hope you girls enjoy this school!"

And I hope that I would be able to survive this day...

Alright thanks for reading I'll try to update more on this book. Yes this'll be a harem between the readers and Aqours...

Okay hope you all liked it and I'll catch you all later!

Okay hope you all liked it and I'll catch you all later!

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