You's Ending

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Okay so you know how you're not supposed to have a favorite child? That's why I envy you people without siblings. Now I'm sure by now you all know that You Watanabe is my absolute favorite character, my waifu, literally she's perfect.

You don't know how many times I smiled while I wrote this chapter. See I grin during some of the girls' endings, but this one... It hits differently.

Also is it weird that I'm reading my own book? I'm on like chapter 27 right now... Yeah I cringe every time I read it, but I think it's decent...

Anyways, without further ado... This is You's Ending!

Nobody really fell for him right away. I think it's safe to say that I was the last second year to fall for him. I can't tell exactly when they decided that they liked him, but for me it was probably the dance. Or at least the week of the dance.

When the whole class was basically pressuring Shizuko to pick someone to go to the dance with. The whole time I was crossing my fingers praying it was and it wasn't me. 

I was praying that it was because I didn't want him to feel awkward and we'd only go as friends. I was also praying that it wasn't me, because I would die of embarrassment. 

So when Kanan showed the video, and he said my name. I literally died.

At least... I thought he said my name. I sometimes get confused when people call my name. Some people just call me by my last name. Or they add a chan or san after my name. 

Shizuko obviously was raised incorrectly as he didn't even use honorifics with us when we first met. Never once did he say Watanabe-san or Takami-san. 

It was as though he knew we'd be close, or maybe he's just stupid. 

When the whole class went wild, because he had "asked" me to the dance. I sat there embarrassed and red. Now if you were to ask me why I was red, I'd say I was embarrassed, but I was really really happy.

I was never confident that he'd choose me. I think he thought of me more as his best friend in the group. I was relaxed the most with him. We texted a lot, and he would often ask what things the other girls liked.

It kind of hurt responding to them, knowing that I liked him, yet his heart seemed to be set on someone else. Turns on he wanted to get them something for their birthdays. 

My role in this situation was to play the supportive best friend. I was great at being the supportive one. I supported Chika when she and Riko were beginning friends. At first I was really pissed off, but I learned to be a group together. 

And here I was doing it again. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to stop texting Shizuko. But my heart wouldn't let me block him. I tried my hardest to smile each time we talked, believing that I was just his friend.

I kept telling myself over and over to let it go. Until he sent out a text to the group chat. 

Listen, I like all of you, and I'm going to give you an answer before you leave.

I was happy, but also saddened. 

If I got my hopes up knowing I had a chance, it could quickly get shattered by one of the third years. When Mari said it was fair game, I wanted to somehow bring down the other girls. 

But I couldn't, this whole problem could break our group even more. So I kept on rolling with the supportive character role. 

When Tsuki came in and told us to leave. I wanted to strangle her. I wanted to slap her, I hadn't told him directly how I felt!

So like any good supporting character, I left a note. A note that left a piece of me with him at all times. And no matter what I did, I knew there was no way I could get over him until I was rejected.

When I told him he should date other girls, because we betrayed him, I honestly wanted him to. Number one, so he could be happy. And number two, so he could have experience if he did remember us. Come on, I can't have a dense idiot forever.

We all know the story, it was my birthday. My twentieth to be exact. You're probably wondering how we chose that specific café. Well, I saw an ad for it. Ironically the date was the day we left, so it just felt right? Chika also pointed out there was a mikan smoothie.

When he did chase after us that day, I didn't know it was him. My first thought was, we're gonna get raped.

But after hearing his voice, seeing him for the first time in five years, butterflies filled my stomach again. I was nervous. 

When he said my name I froze, once again I thought he was just pointing to someone, but he added something else.

"You... chan?" 

"Eh?" I responded.

"I never did use honorifics with you all did I?"

"A little late, but better late than never." I grinned.

"Then here's a confession five years late."

And I guess that's what they call happily ever after.

My best friend, the one I crushed on since our second year of high school, the one I supported knowing that I was being pushed aside. 

When really, I was being pushed towards him instead. He never gave up on me and waited until our fateful encounter five years since our goodbye. 

"You're an idiot." was the first thing I told him.

"That's what they tell me."

"Why'd you wait? You didn't even know if we'd meet again."

"No matter where you ended up in this world, I'd come find you." 

I punched him in the shoulder, "You got that from a movie didn't you?"

"It's still true." he winced.

I hugged him, "Thanks for waiting."

"I'd wait as long as I needed for my best friend."

"You mean your girlfriend?" 

"Can't you be both?"

"Fair enough, Shizuko..."

At the end of the day, I was his best friend, his number one supporter, his therapist, his advice giver, and his girlfriend. 

And I wouldn't have it any other way...

Oh yeah also happy birthday Kanan yesterday! Thanks for reading everyone! I love you all!

Be safe! Mask up! Don't be stupid!

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