Chapter 30

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I feel like I was supposed to be mad at someone. Oh yeah... Kanan and Mari. Alright what's the game plan for today and tomorrow? Maybe act like a jerk to them the entire day?

Oh I got a brilliant one! Shove Mari out of a window... would I get arrested? Actually I might get something much worse, a beating from my parents...

Who actually are here today, I woke up and heard some noise downstairs. I'm definitely hoping that's my parents.

Luckily it was, or maybe it was unlucky, depends on how the conversation went.

"Morning," I said sleepily.

"Welcome to the world of pain and strife," my dad joked.

"What are you doing today sweetie?" my mom asked me.

"I have to go somewhere with Kanan today." I responded. "But it's not a-"

My dad clapped my back, "WAY TO GO SON! OUT HERE MAKING PLAYS!"

I sighed, "It's not a date." I reminded them, they didn't give three craps.

"Is Kanan the blue-haired one?" my mom asked me again, "Cause she's cute!"


"Right, right, right, right," my dad took a sip of coffee, "So are you gonna introduce us to her?" 

"You can meet them all at Christmas... and meet their parents apparently they're coming to Christmas as well." I said making myself some toast.

"Yeah, yeah, meet parents and whatever, when do we get to meet the girl?" my dad asked intrigued.

"Is Kanan your girlfriend? Or is it one of the others?" my mom looked at me excitedly.

Jesus Christ leave me alone... But I decided to play along, "How about you go over there and ask which ones my girlfriend?" 

"Okay!" they nodded their heads. 

Oh god... "Wait, I mean..." I started, but they weren't listening at all. "CHOTTO MATTE!!!" 

But they were off... I needed to get out of here fast, I called Kanan and told her to get outside so we could take off.

She let my parents through before running beside me, "What's going on?" she asked pointing to my parents.

"They're my mom and dad... and well I'll explain later, we just need to get out of here before I get beat." I told her.

"Let me guess, they wanted to meet your 'girlfriends'?" she laughed.

"Yes," I said, "However there's one major problem, I was playing around with them and then I slipped up. I told them to go over and ask which one of them is my girlfriend..." 

Kanan died of laughter, "You're screwed... I'm not helping you when you get beat by the rest of them later... In fact I might help out..." 

I sighed, "I wouldn't expect you to do anything else, so where are we going?"

"We're going ice skating." she said.


"I said, we're going ice skating." she repeated.

I laughed, "Oh good, I thought for a second you said we were going ice skating..."

"That's what I said." 


"NANI?!?!" I yelled, but then stopped, "Actually it's not as bad as whatever Mari will make me do tomorrow..." 

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